View Full Version : Thinking of Nic nomorepanic

25-05-10, 08:49
Hope your anxiety levels will reduce soon, and you will be feeling more settled :hugs:

25-05-10, 10:25
sending you hugs nic xx

25-05-10, 10:30
yes hope you feel better soon nic xxxmuch love :hugs:

Vanilla Sky
25-05-10, 11:24
Sending you love and hugs xxx :hugs:
Paige x

25-05-10, 11:33
We're all here for you nic,

hope it all settles down again.

You just keep fighting it mate and you'll get through it.

di xx

25-05-10, 11:35
Hope you feel better soon Nic xxxx

25-05-10, 14:16
Awww thanks everyone.

I have started suffering anxiety / panicky feelings again the last few weeks which I think has been a build up of lots of things happening that have upset/stressed me out.

Then I had the chest pain scare and have now had the tests and waiting to see the cardiologist for the results.

The worst symptom for me has been the not being able to swallow properly and it totally freaks me out cos then I can't breathe either!

I am not used to feeling like this again so it has hit me hard but I am trying to stay positive that it will soon pass again and I will be back on track.

25-05-10, 15:16
Here for you always mate!
I'll sing to you any time too! :winks:

Love Lisa

pink daisy
25-05-10, 15:52
Hope u feel better soon Nic xxxx

Going home
25-05-10, 16:10
Sorry to hear the anx has you in its grip again and at these times it's always hard for us to take our own advice isn't it? but I think as soon as your results come back you'll feel much better, they wouldn't make you wait if they thought it was anything bad with what youve already been through with your heart, but I know that when anxiety strikes all the good advice goes out of the window. Sometimes its the strongest of us who hit the ground the hardest!

Take care nic and hope you start to feel better soon :flowers:

Anna xx

25-05-10, 21:33
Howdy Nic.....I do hope you start to feel better soon,sending you warmth and love.........and thankyou xxx:bighug1:
Love Rhonda xx

25-05-10, 22:42
Hi Nic
Sorry to read that you are going through a bad time again. You have had a lot to deal with, so not surprising you are feeling anxious and having panic sensations again.
Hopefully you will soon feel better.
Sending you Hugs:hugs::flowers:

25-05-10, 22:43
sending you loads of :hugs::hugs::hugs:
hope you start to feel better soon

25-05-10, 23:20
Thanks everyone.

Had a bad night again. Just sitting there and out of the blue it comes on and hits me so hard. Can't swallow, can't talk, heart beating fast etc.

I am calmer now but it is so draining isn't it?

I thought I was over all of this and blooming thing comes back to haunt me.

Back to basics I think and try and control it before it gets bad again.

25-05-10, 23:48
Hi Nic

sorry to hear you are having such a rotten time right now. You are so right it is very, very draining, be kind to yourself, and as you say back to basics..

sending you hugs and best wishes

P x

26-05-10, 00:09
hope you feel better soon nic:bighug1:

26-05-10, 08:02
Hope you feel better soon hunny, I know exactly how you feel xxx

26-05-10, 10:57
I'm so sorry you are finding things tough Nic (and no wonder). I know it's hard to think this way when you are in the middle of a spell like this but remember you've got past this before - and you will do again.

All of us who use NMP have so much to be grateful to you for :hugs:

magpie girl
26-05-10, 12:40
:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:awwww nic i hope you feel better soon

26-05-10, 16:27
Hi Nicola

Thinking of you and hope you feel better very soon. I had moer heart tests too recently and waited a while for the results which were only what I expected really but scarey just the same.

Fran x

27-05-10, 11:37
Hiya mate, i was going to say, try and do what ever it was that helped u before when u had these attacks, i'm so sorry things r bad for you again, but u been through a fair bit again lately and its bound to affect you, i know how i get when things build up, my anxiety has been up and down.

Jus ttry relax though Nic and eat lots of cake for your birthday day, that will def sort u out ;) big hugs xx

27-05-10, 19:52
Sorry you're going through a bad patch Nicola. I hope you nip it in the bud soon so to speak.

Just a little humour here for ya!:scared15:


27-05-10, 20:11
Funnily enough Els I got a birthday card today with DON'T PANIC on it lol.

The friend that sent it didn't know I was having a blip so I thought it was quite appropriate lol.

I am not feeling 100% this evening - probably worried about going back to work tomorrow as they know nothing about my history of panic etc.

Thanks everyone for the kind words.

01-06-10, 18:28

Hoping every day you are feeling better. Anxiety sneaks up and just bites us when we are least expecting it and always when we are already dealing with a full plate.



Going home
01-06-10, 18:46
...and its usually the full plate that the makes anxiety hits us. Hope you are still chilling nicola.

Anna xx :flowers:

01-06-10, 21:11
So sorry to hear you are suffering anxiety again. It's always hard to take when you have been feeling better for so long. I hope you got on okay at work and that your results from the tests are good.
You did so well in beating this in the past and I'm certain that you will again.:yesyes:
I want to say how much I and I'm sure all NMP members appreciate the hard work you do for us with the site. It's such a great place to come for understanding and support.
Hope you feel much better soon.
Love Judy.xx:hugs:

02-06-10, 00:29
If you need to talk and it's late, you know that I'm always lurking about!!
Sending you loads of (((((((((HUGS)))))))))))), positive thoughts and prayers!

06-06-10, 13:42
Hi Nic

Sorry to notice this thread and find you have had a setback (is that what its called).

Hope it passes quickly and you get back to where you were.

Thank you so much for setting up this great place...you deserve to be well.

Lots of hugs

09-06-10, 18:00
Sending you much love, best wishes and hugs Nic. Both for you and Alex.