View Full Version : ovarian cancer????

25-05-10, 09:28
I am scared i have ovarian cancer.I have had diarrhoea for a month and pains in my left side/front and back.I also feel like i cant breath properly and i am really tired.I went to the doctors yesterday to get my blood test results(fbc,liver,kidneys etc)and they were fine and he his sending me for an endoscopy to see if its ibs.He said if anything sinister was going on something would be amiss in my bloods but i dont think ovarian cancer would show on normal bloods.I have been looking at symptoms and it says ovarian cancer can be mistaken for ibs.I Am going to see a lady doctor today to ask her to feel my ovaries.Does this involve an internal or can you feel them on the outside?
I have diarrhoa,nausea,left side back pain,night sweats,fatigue,feel full,no appetite etc i am so scared.

25-05-10, 11:09
nobody any advice please?

25-05-10, 11:26
Hi Zippy

Sorry you are still feeling so bad. Have you told you Dr that you are worried about Ovarian Cancer? I ask NOT because I think you have it but because your Dr will be able to reassure you, you say you have an appt with a nurse? Maybe you could ask her?
I hate it when people say to me "it's just anxeity" but I really think it is, I have most of the sypmtoms you have described because I am anxious and scared, convinced I have breast cancer. I wake early in a sweat, I have diarhea, tummy ache, I feel sick every min of the day, I have a heavy feeling in my right arm which this morning was also in my shoulder and I've put it all down to the fact I am worrying that I have breast cancer. Also my back is killing me due to the stress and tension I am carrying around with me everyday

I Hope I have helped you a little - Wish I could help myself!


25-05-10, 11:54
Thanks mogwog.
I have just been to see the nurse and she has just gave me an internal exam and said everything feels normal. Why cant i find reassurance in it?

25-05-10, 12:01
What you have sounds more like IBS than anything. I have an ovarian cyst (which they are 99% sure isn't cancer but still makes me anxious sometimes) and I don't have any digestion problems. Even if you did have a cyst like I do, they are pretty much almost always never cancer.

25-05-10, 12:10
So do you think i should be reassured after the internal that she would have been able to feel something i.e tumour or cyst? The bottom of my back keeps getting painful on the left and with all the other symptoms i cant stop worrying.

25-05-10, 12:42
yes you should be ,,,

25-05-10, 17:33
I will try but its hard to believe its anxiety and not an illness thats been missed.

25-05-10, 22:14
no zippy you dont have ovarian cancer you have to believe them because there is no evidence thats what you have ..........there is NO EVIDENCE so why choose the worse case scenario.

25-05-10, 22:39
I am going through something similar. I am surprised your Dr. has not ordered an ultrasound. When I had my first one about 6 months ago, I was so scared it was ovarian cancer. They found a cyst and a fibroid. Then I had another ultrasound a couple months later and the cyst was gone and the fibroid was unchanged. I had another ultrasound today due to increased cramping and messed up periods. I am a little anxious but ok. If you are still concerned you may want to ask your doc for a scan. I am NOT suggesting you have cancer but it is quite common to have cysts or fibroids that could cause the symptoms you talked about.

26-05-10, 08:08
So you think i should ask for scan? She only gave me an internal yestaerday and said everything felt ok.It felt sore yesterday on my left when i crossed my legs,it felt like it was inside.I am so scared that they are missing something but i have been to the doctors 3 x this week.

26-05-10, 11:09
hey zippy
try to work on your anxiety more and let the doctor work on your health since you have been 3 times this week i am sure they have not missed anything.

all the best

26-05-10, 11:58
Thats the problem i dont think it is anxiety. I feel so ill and getting worse.I feel i want to go to a & e but i know my family and friends will shout at me.