View Full Version : Itchy Throat

25-05-10, 11:26
I have been getting an itchy throat the last few weeks, is this linked to anxiety at all, or is it hayfever? I didn't suffer from fever last year. :yesyes:

25-05-10, 12:32
Could well be hayfever, people can develop it at different times in life. You might want to try an antihistamine but if you take other meds or have any health conditions best to discuss it with your doc, as I'm restricted to one particular kind for that reason. x

25-05-10, 12:49
I think this year has been extra-polleny, my hayfever is certainly worse this year. Maybe it's causing people who've never had it before to get it.

25-05-10, 12:56
Thanks for the replies people :)

26-05-10, 17:17
This definately sounds like hayfever to me. I've got the same thing right now.
