View Full Version : do doctors EVER listen!!!!!

25-05-10, 12:53
:lac:some mths ago i went to see my gp and asked could i go for cbt training,today being my apointment day,got there, only to find he had booked me for p/a counseling instead!!,the counselor said she couldnt help as she wasnt experienced in that feild, and would have to see my gp and tell him to refer me to the right persons this time,iv now to waite till he dose, and waite months again as theres a long waite list,i feel so deflated knowing iv to suffer for longer till an apointment comes through.the past couple of yrs iv had no help from my doctors iv see 5 in all there, and not 1 seems to have time for me, or have listened, iv treid to change docs,but say their panel is full and arnet taking any new patients on at the moment,i just feel lost and trapped its the 3rd time now iv been and come home heartbroke with no help given and my hopes shattered when,all i want is to feel and be better.playing a waiting game for my gp,s mistake at not listening in the first place has made me feel so mad and feel like giving up.my anxiety is high and have had a panic attack this morning which has left me shaking and scared,i feel drained and im weary.has any one got any reasurance to help me through the day?:weep:.

25-05-10, 13:04
Hi, Contact the doctor or the practice immediately to complain, and say you want your CBT to start next week at the latest, as it was the doctors fault and he made the mistake, you should not have to wait any longer than you have already due to his mistake!

25-05-10, 14:32
I;ve had problem doctors in the past. I had two awful doctors (in the same surgery) when I lived in Brighton. I wrote to the local health authority asking to be transfered to a new practice, which they did within a week. (most of the local surgeries told me they were full, but the local health authority can effectively 'force you in')!

I ended up with the most wonderful doctor, who used to take the time to explain things to me, and also told me not to hesitate to come back with more questions or if i needed reassurance. Finding a good doc is like buying shoes, sometimes we have to try on several pairs before one fits comfortably! :)

Try your local health authority, mention the problems that you have been having, they might have some good local contacts for you. Good luck with it.

25-05-10, 15:08
thankyou for replying my post,i felt so,{didnt know where to go from there},i have since rang my gps surgery and complained,saying i want cbt asap,it not being my mistake but they said i would just have to waite till an apointment came available{banging head against a brick wall},i didnt argue with them just put the phone down.i will however write to my local health athority and tell them the problems im experiencing in hopes i get a suitable doctor real soon.thankyou so much again,regards ellen.xx

25-05-10, 15:58
Hi Bella

Sorry to hear you are having to wait so long due to a mistake by your doctor, it is unacceptable and if you feel up to it, I do think you should make a complaint.
Make sure you tell the surgery about it, let them feel what it's like to feel anxiety for a while!

In the meantime, maybe you could take a look at this online CBT site? I'm not sure if you have heard of it but I have seen it mentioned on NMP a few times and it seems to have helped a good few people.


To get some advice about your doctor's conduct and the lack of support from the surgery try this site.


Good luck and I hope this all gets sorted out soon. :flowers:

25-05-10, 17:56
Hi, I don't think you would be allowed to do that as they do not discuss individual cases?

25-05-10, 18:09
Although a professional like a doctor should not make mistakes like this, I see no reason for the foul language of the user jamie88, no need for it at all!

25-05-10, 21:03
Hi, I don't think you would be allowed to do that as they do not discuss individual cases?

Hi Lucy

As the practice are not willing / able to rectify their error then it may be useful to consult PALS for advice..it is what they are there for.
They can at the very least give advice on what to do next.

This from the link I provided:

http://www.pals.nhs.uk/File.aspx?FileMime=image/pjpeg&USerID=-1&ResourceId=118So, what should you do if you want on the spot help when using the health service? The NHS expects all members of staff to listen and respond to you to the best of their ability. But sometimes, you may wish to talk to someone employed especially to help you. The Patient Advice and Liaison Service, known as PALS, has been introduced to ensure that the NHS listens to patients, their relatives, carers and friends, and answers their questions and resolves their concerns as quickly as possible.

Bella has contacted the surgery who are not going to do anything so this is surely a better step than sitting back and waiting, I would hope that they can help with getting a new GP as well.

25-05-10, 21:06
Hi Ladybird,
Sorry this was in reply to jamie88's post, and as his has now been deleted, mine perhaps make not much sense.

25-05-10, 21:08
Ah ok Lucy..these things happen sometimes and are confusing for all!

Thanks for letting me know :D

25-05-10, 21:16
yes lucy that is what happened would you like me to remove the reply you did hun?

25-05-10, 21:18
Hi Diane, My post isnt inappropriate, I don't feel its doing any harm to leave it in. Its best if she sorts it out by herself with the info. you have been able to get for her, so lets hope she gets some success with that.

25-05-10, 21:21
Hi, To me, it would make more sense to remove the user, and others who post similar language on here.