View Full Version : the dizzies

jaded jean
25-05-10, 12:56
I honestly thought these were finished with by now .on day46 of cit. Or am I deluding myself, I am even feeling it when sitting down.Feel drunk . Any ideas please.

25-05-10, 13:01
Hi, Did you have this before starting on the Citalopram?

jaded jean
25-05-10, 13:04
Hi Lucy,
No I didnt. I started getting the when starting cit. Its been a good 3 weeks since the last lot of dizziness. I wonder if its hormonal

25-05-10, 13:27
Hi Jean, It could be just your body adjusting to the Citalopram and it will likely subside when your body is used to the tablets. Hormones could certainly be causing you to feel more sensitive to these sensations. I do hope you feel a bit better soon.

jaded jean
25-05-10, 14:42
Hi Lucy .
Thank you so much, I think we sometimes think this is it I am better, but we have to be patient. since my last reply I sat outside and closed my eyes and relaxed for about 10 minutes and it has subsided a little. I was also trying to do too much at once this morning. Never know when to stop!!:)

25-05-10, 15:22
hi jean,i very often get the dizzies,bit scary at times i couldnt say if its the cit or not i cant take any meds, and am on none, but for 2days now iv felt off balance as if im going to crash over and walking is unstable,it dose and will eventually subside.it could well be a bit of cit+hormonal all one can do is sit down and let it pass,i always do my slow breathing dropping my shoulders and concentrating on relaxing, and i try to distract myself with a magazine or book.i hope it eases up soon hun.xx

jaded jean
25-05-10, 16:16
Hi Bellalew
Yes it comes in waves, I have just been to the shop and I nearly fell over. getting a headache too. I am panicking about it being my blood pressure too, thats the problem.:mad:

25-05-10, 18:03
Hi Jean, I know feeling dizzy is about the worst feeling ever as I suffer from it, im not on Citalopram, tried it for a few months, never really felt any better or any worse, but just decided to try and manage without medication. Some times are fine, but always there is a return of this, think hormones play a big part in mine, makes me lose confidence in myself a lot as its my worst symptom, anyway hope you feel better this evening.


25-05-10, 18:24
Hi Jean
I'm sorry you have got this dizziness. I've now been on cit for about 8 months and I still get this now and then with a lightheaded feeling. I don't know if this is still to do with the meds but I am going to ask my Dr next time I see him. It could be hormonal, I still get hot flushes after years in the menopause, I always think it is more part of that than the cit but I would love to know. I'm actually feeling lightheaded as I type this and a bit dizzy but I was so blooming busy at work today and I think that sometimes has something to do with it, sitting in front of a computer screen for most of the day apart from lunch time. Then I come home and again I'm on my laptop!!!

My sons have gone to a concert tonight and I've got to get my own dinner!!!!

Hope you are feeling better soon, but I know it is an absolute pain :mad:

Jannie x x

jaded jean
25-05-10, 18:25
Hi Lucy.
I am just staying sat down. I am menopausal but the anxiety/depression thing seems to be at the forefront and its been difficult trying to separate the two, It has me wondering whether I should just say I had a meno breakdown?? I know the headaches can come from a surge of oestrogen. And the dizzies from the cit. hey ho . I am confident it will have calmed down o disappeared by tomorrow.:hugs:

jaded jean
25-05-10, 18:36
[QUOTE=Jannie2948;665249]Hi Jean
I'm sorry you have got this dizziness. I've now been on cit for about 8 months and I still get this now and then with a lightheaded feeling. I don't know if this is still to do with the meds but I am going to ask my Dr next time I see him. It could be hormonal, I still get hot flushes after years in the menopause, I always think it is more part of that than the cit but I would love to know. I'm actually feeling lightheaded as I type this and a bit dizzy but I was so blooming busy at work today and I think that sometimes has something to do with it, sitting in front of a computer screen for most of the day apart from lunch time. Then I come home and again I'm on my laptop!!!

My sons have gone to a concert tonight and I've got to get my own dinner!!!!

Hope you are feeling better soon, but I know it is an absolute pain :mad:

Hi Jannie!
Whats this no meal prepped for mum?
How rude ,
I think I feel bad with it today because Once the bad things disappear its like they never existed. apart from all that I dropped in my charity shop where I used to work and they had been discussing me !1 I turns out that mey ex boss Ann wants me to go in on wednesday afternon to go on the till no less. she said it will help you but help me even more. as she has had to make 2 staff redundant which is such a shame as they work so hard there.
Anyway update on my poorly boy. His chin just merged into his neck when he got up so now he was looking like the elephant man as well as talking like him.So.. rang docs for telephone consultation and he said any worse go to hospital .But within an hour chris was saying mum my gum feels really hard -so we had a look and there was a stone!! So I eased it out and whoosh loads of yuk. He feels a bit better now, I wonder why,,,,:whistles:
speak later-p.m. if you like

25-05-10, 18:43
Hi Jean, Oh thats good! glad you are confident it will disappear very shortly, that is good to hear.

jaded jean
25-05-10, 18:48
Hi Lucy.
It has taken me a long time to get to this stage, it really can be a case of mind over matter even if it is just for short periods of time. I dont worry about palpitations or my ibs so much. I cannot let it get the better of me. I want to get back into the system, back to work and being me:D

25-05-10, 19:30
Hi Jean, Well I certainly will wish you all the best with that!