View Full Version : Constantly feeling as if I'm going to break down... either in tears or some other way

25-05-10, 13:46
As some of you know, my anxiety is pretty severe. I was wondering if anybody else feels the same way as me with this.

I constantly feel as if I'm going to start crying and screaming, lose control, and sit on the floor and have a total breakdown. I'm always fighting the urge to cry. I'm worried that if I do, I'll be completely hysterical and wont be able to stop. I get it everywhere - whether I'm at home or out or anything.

Today it's particularly bad. I'm in the house on my own for the day and I HATE that. I don't know what to do with myself. I get some moments of mental confusion, which I don't know whether it's a side-effect of my meds or whatever but it seems to be even worse today. I'm so scared that I'm just going to snap and start crying, screaming, lose control, etc. I just tried to take a nap in my room, but I found myself coming out of some 'half-sleep' gasping every two minutes.

Is anybody else like this? Does anybody else ever feel like they want to cry and scream all the time?

25-05-10, 14:21
Yes, I do, but I have other issues as well that are making me tearful all the time. Actually I snapped at work last week and ended up in crying hysterics! Sometimes a good cry is really helpful though, as is going somewhere private and screaming, keeping it all in doesnt always work!

Have you been checked for depression as well as anxiety, sometimes the two get confused and its worth talking to the doctors about being depressed.

25-05-10, 14:33
I haven't been checked for depression, but I'm pretty sure I've got a bit of it. I'm pretty much always feeling down about myself and my situation. It's seriously like living in a cage at the moment, my activities are so limited because of the extent of my anxiety.

25-05-10, 15:37
hi aeroz21,your not on your own with the emotional floods i very often breakdown and cry, my anxiety is always on a high and do find my crying helps release alot of tension. i suffer with depression as well and as said, it dose sound you to are,worth a chat with your doc hun.after a good cry i always feel calmer so if you feel you want to cry,cry it out,hope your feeling better soon.xx

25-05-10, 16:15
Thanks bellalew :)
I feel like crying/screaming hysterically all the time but I often feel like I have to hold it in, or even if I don't want to nothing comes out. It's weird. I don't know if this goes along with my anxiety/panic attacks too, because often when I'm in a place & my anxiety rises, I feel like crying and screaming more intensely. It get's quite scary sometimes because I worry that I wont be able to control it, and make a fool out of myself, etc.

I just hope my meds kick in soon, been on them for 2 weeks so I'm keeping my fingers crossed :)

25-05-10, 16:48
Hi there,

Just to let you know I am in the same boat as you, not to take away your hope of the meds kicking in soon but dispite the success many people have had with Citalopram I have been on them for 6 weeks with only limited relief. A couple of people have mentiond that a good cry relieves the anxiety and depression. They are right, everytime I allow myself to break down emotionally I always feel a great sense of relief. If you can really let it go, I mean weep like a baby for as long as you can you should feel relief. You know it's ok to cry you after all are human!!! Besides how fair is it for all of us to have to go through this SHIT!!!! Yopu have a reason to cry, just not all the time you'll likely feel worse then. Perhaps if you let it go you won't want to all the time.
Also a good cardio workout gives me a good relief. I play squash, run or even speed walk and as long as I sweat a bit I always feel anxiety relief.

I few ideas for you, let us know if you try any of these and it works for you.

I know how you feel and it really sucks! I wish I could take it away for all of us, but we all have to figure it out in our own way with supporting each other.


25-05-10, 19:04
Thanks Ron :) I'm trying to let it go now & just see what happens... I guess that's part of the way to get better. It's just quite scary feeling like this all the time... again, I blame the sertraline! Hehe. I'll give the exercise a go too - I've started going on walks, and tried some jogging today but I think I gave up too quickly, lol.
I hope that your meds kick in properly real soon - six weeks is a long time.

26-05-10, 13:25

HOw did you make out, any luck in sobbing and feeling better. About the exersize. If running is difficult for you all you have to do is speed walk, as long as you break a mild sweat on your forhead you are getting a work out and therefor the feel good indorphins will be released. THis is a fact and you should get 2 to 3 hours of anxiety or depression relief at a time. I always feel better after a work out.

TRy it and let me know if you find the same.

Take care, get out of the house and help yourself, I did this morning!!


26-05-10, 13:58
Ron -
part of my anxiety attacks were palpitations (up in the 150's) - was in the ER a few times. Normal EKG's - just fast rate because of the panic. Before all of this I used to exercise all the time - some running, walking, hiking, mowing the lawn, etc. I am trying to get back into some of that - but I am afraid that I may get palpitations. The MD's have encouraged me to exercise - and not worry, knowing that of course my rate will go up with exercise, especially now that I am out of shape and have lost 20 pounds. Any ideas how I can get over the fear of the fast heart rate so I don't panic when I exercise?

27-05-10, 23:09

HOw did you make out, any luck in sobbing and feeling better. About the exersize. If running is difficult for you all you have to do is speed walk, as long as you break a mild sweat on your forhead you are getting a work out and therefor the feel good indorphins will be released. THis is a fact and you should get 2 to 3 hours of anxiety or depression relief at a time. I always feel better after a work out.

TRy it and let me know if you find the same.

Take care, get out of the house and help yourself, I did this morning!!


No luck yet, Ron :( feel more on edge than ever to be honest. I just don't get why nothing will flow. I'll give the exercise a go tomorrow, hopefully it will get some of this frustration out of me. Thanks for the tips, though! I'm hoping soon that my tears will give way & I can start feeling better.

28-05-10, 03:13
Crying is a release mechanism. A symptom of feeling emotional pain. If you try to control it and hold it in, it's like trapping emotions in a bottle with a cork on top. The pain then has nowhere to go so it then creates even more anxiety.

Don't be afraid to let go because it's perfectly natural. It won't mean though that you won't feel like crying again but it's better than bottling emotions that only increase your anxiety levels.

I feel also that often we're sensitive people but we're also emotional. I think there maybe a reason for this because releasing our feelings through emotions might be to help us cope with our sensitivity. If we go against our natural make-up, we cause ourselves anxiety because we're not allowing us to function as we were designed.

I also find a good hug works a treat...the problem is always how you find one!....so when I need a cry, I just let go and so be it.:hugs:

28-05-10, 09:39
Thanks Bill :)

I literally tried to force myself to cry just a little earlier on but nothing happened. But then my best friend called my on the phone and I managed to sob just a little bit. Not a lot though. I feel slightly better but not a great deal. I just really want to have a huge, loud cry when I feel 'in control' and get it out of my system but it doesn't seem to want to give.

29-05-10, 03:57
Can you sneeze without something to make you sneeze? You can't force these things or pick when and where. It will happen when it wants to and then don't be afraid to just let go. You'll be fine!:):hugs: