View Full Version : depressed now!!!

25-05-10, 15:55
Well i went to work today, after my awful breakdowns last week there. It was ok, felt the anxiety in the morning, frightened for no reason at all, but managed to work through it, no tears!. So why now i am home do i feel so down? my mind is quiet ( for now), so what is wrong with me.. doing so much better than last week. Is it because i cant believe i am here again after 5 years? Will my mood pick up? going to my first counselling session in the morning, maybe that will help. Does any feel like this after an episode of high anxiety?

Thanks lynne

25-05-10, 17:04
Hi Lynne,

Yes I find after a major dose of anxiety usually I don't sleep well than I get depressed/low. For me I think I need to lick the anxiety and maybe I'll sleep better. I usually find that after a few nights of shitty sleep I get more anxious and then bang the sadness kicks in and I will usually not be able to work, stay in bed, feel worse and eventually break down into an emotional abyss. I can cry on and off for hours. Bloody hell!!!

DOes this sould familiar. I just had my first visit to a Phsycologists last week myself, told her my life story for the first visit and back tomorrow. I'm hoping she will be able to help. I here that CBT is a good optoin. ANy comments?

Take care, Ron

25-05-10, 17:15
Hi Ron,

yes it does a bit, a feel very sad, that it has come back, and very low, I have not slept properly for about 4 weeks since panic attack, started with anxious to go to bed, to waking up at stupid hours, now, fingers crossed iam going to sleep, but still waking with a start in the morning, about 6, feeling like something is wrong and terrible, although it isnt, if that makes sense, cant get back to sleep, the feeling is not quite as desperate as it was last week, so i hope it will gradually go. I presume my first session tomorrow will be my life story, then hopefully from there CBT, they said once they have assesed me, they will decide what i need. Just cant understand how my life can change so much in a matter of weeks...
take care lynne

25-05-10, 18:13

If you haven't gotten good sleep it would eaplain to me why your saddened and low. This is exactly when I am at my lowest. I also usually wake most nights between 3 and 4. I used to smoke pot for 10 years and slept through the night, I quit back in Dec. and now I don't sleep through the night, go figure. Try to straighten out and feel better then I slip ito a depression. Doesn't make sense.

As I mentioned, try a work out if your not in the early evenings, will help you sleep. Also I forgot to metnion this earlier, something else that helps me back to sleep is, 12 grain toast, bananas, milk, almonds, these all have tryptophan in them and this is a natural calmer. 1 or 2 bananas with 2 slices of 12 grain toast and a glass of milk will put me back to sleep 9 times out of 10 at 3 a.m.

Good luck with the sleep, I think it's a key to your situation.


25-05-10, 19:16
Thanks Ron, is 12 grain and particular type of bread? might be stupid question lol! i had milk and a banana the other night, and that worked. I have just half dozed on the settee, but couldnt quite relax, so stupid, i used to be able to sleep for england! and my other half usually has to drag me out of bed every morning, now i am up first !
Doesnt pot cause depression? have you only had problems since you quit? I am terrible not had a drink for the last 10 years because dont wont to feel out of control, and i used to love my drink ! Funnily enough i was giving up smoking cigarettes when i had my panic attack, i was going all day at work without one, all whilst going through a lot or stress with my job and getting upset there, of course i was straight back on them after my panic attack !

25-05-10, 20:09
12 grain is just a type as opposed to raisin, white etc. Any grains have the natural calming chemical Tryptophan in it. And yes pot will cause anxiety and depression as will booze. I used to keep high as often as I could so that the pot would medicate. No this didn't start just then, I have been fighting GAD for 20 years, I guess this is why I liked pot. It would take the intense feeling away. The thing is when I quit I thought I would feel better but it got 10 times worst.

I wonder if your quiting smoking caused your panick atacks to come back. If you werre hard core I can see that alone triggering anxiety???

Keep going with the bananas and milk if one banana doesn't work eat two, just like drugs up the dosage. If my one doesn;t work I'll eat another and it will make the difference.


25-05-10, 20:28
lol, you are making me laugh ! do u know what, i HATE bananas, but been eating them constantly, when this is over, i am not going to touch another ha ha. I wonder if we are born this way, i have always been a worrier, or as my mum puts it "highly strung", i have been well for the last five years, but i do feel it was always lingering a bit in the background every now and then, but kept a handle on it. I can feel myself getting all anxious now because i will be going to bed later, but i have a DVD to watch, so will put that on, doesnt help that my husband works late all the time. So i will take a bunch of bananas up and a pint of milk, fingers crossed !

25-05-10, 20:58
That's right it's bed time in Britian, Good luck Lynne. I hear you on the worrying on whether you'll sleep well or not. If your able to fall a sleep most nights in general then just think of that being a benifit. Remember some people can't even go to sleep at all. If you wake in the middle keep all lights out, Don't watch TV. Even keep your eyes closed and relax when your stuffing Bananas in your mouth LOL. Got to keep the lights out so that your melotonin ( sleep nighttime chemical) doesn't turn into Serotonin ( wake up daytime chemical) doesn't awake.

Good luck and I hope you sleep well, as for me I hope I do to!!!!!
