View Full Version : Please help! Need some reassurance

Natalie x
25-05-10, 16:46
Please help. I'm gettign myself in such a tizzy thinking that something is wrong with my heart or I'm having a heart attack. Earlier my throiat felt like it was closed up and now my arm is goign numb and my chest hurts a bit and i'm stressing it's a heart attack! I've been a bit stressed at work snd been really busy and hoping that it's just me over reacting again! Please reply!

25-05-10, 16:53
you would be in very very bad pain not just hurt if you was haveing one
dont worry god bless wish you better

25-05-10, 16:59
All classic anxiety symptoms. Are you still at work? Can you escape for a few minutes for a breather if you're stressed?

25-05-10, 17:04
it sounds like panic but if it dosent ease you could call nhs for advice ,,

25-05-10, 17:32
The tightening of your throat is a classic anxiety response. Try tell yourself you are okay and its anxiety and like gypsywomen said call for advice/reassurance. Take care