View Full Version : Jaw Clenching & pain in neck / throat & chin area

05-02-06, 21:37
My throat muscles are constantly tight and they seem to get worse as the day goes by. I noticed that my jaw and under my ears and chin are sore as well. I think that I am unknowingly clenching my jaw from stress and anxiety. The pain radiates to the back of my neck, under my chin, my throat and neck. I am even getting headaches from this. Seems to be muscular & related to tension.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Anyone have any advice, tips or suggestions?

Bad enough I have tingling & twitching in the legs & body, now I got a sore head, neck, chin, jaw & throat to contend with!


05-02-06, 21:49
yes! Isnt it just awful. i find 15-20 minutes laid flat on the bed and relaxing my whole body a real help. Its all due to tension, so even puling some funny faces to release the tension helps. eg, frown for 10 secs and release/relax for 10 secs, smile hard for 10 then relax etc. also turn your head and hold for 10 secs etc.
Pore posture is also a cause for aches and tensed muscles in the upper back, i also get it from what im doing now! using my laptop as im leaning down!
Hope this helps
Becci x x x

05-02-06, 21:55
Try learning some gentle yoga /relaxation exercises which will help you let go of these muscles

Pain in Jaw,cheek bones and around eyes (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2475)
Another little question (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3787)
[Link removed as post deleted]

Achy neck and jaw (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2938)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

06-02-06, 01:40
hi henry

this is one i used to suffer with a lot and an osteopath sorted it by giving me exercises, just opening your mouth very wide and very gently moving you bottom jaw to the left then the right... very gently though, don't force it!

I have always been a tooth-grinder apparently (no idea how i do it!) so i guess it's something that happens in your sleep!

Good luck x


09-02-06, 00:37
Thanks for the help! I had another 1 hour massage last night. While my jaw and neck muscles feel great. I am back to swallowing difficulties (in the esophogus) and tingling in my shins and calves today! I just cannot catch a break. My stress & anxiety seems to manifest itself in different locations of my body on a daily basis.

Who knows what I will wake up with tomorrow?!

My mental state is good, I am working out daily, not sure why my body is still going crazy!?


09-02-06, 10:19
Gosh I really do this alot too.

When I am aware I am doing it then I do let my jaw sag (I look gorgeous doing it - you try it) and now I will try Fee's suggestion too.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

03-03-06, 20:23
WOW, I was so glad to find this forum. Thank you everyone. I am in the same boat. Since January 1st I have had a feeling of a lump in the left side of my throat, ear pain, dry throat and pain in my neck muscles. I have been to my Family Dr., 2 ENT's, a Rheumatologist and an Infectious Disease Dr. I have had a CAT scan of the neck, an MRI of the head and neck, A Bone Scan, lots of bloodwork, a TV put down to my esophogus - which all came out normal. I wake up in the morning and only have a dry mouth. As the days goes on the left side of my throat constricts. I feel like my tongue is too big for my throat on that side. Throughout my life I have had MAJOR episodes of anxiety and panic about every 10 years (last time 1984). I guess I am due - this is a very stressful period of my life. I also have a brother in law with throat cancer - which is always on my mind. All my symptoms are symptoms of cancer. Nothing seems to reassure me that I don't have cancer - until now I really think it is ANXIETY!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR MAKING ME FEEL SO NOT ALONE.:D

27-01-09, 05:25

I am in a similar boat. I am a professional singer and I have been treated for TMJ for years now. I am very sad because I have not been able to perform for close to four months because I lifted a bag and you know how people lift with their back? I apparently lift with my neck . I strained my pectorals, neck, and jaw so much that the pain has been shifting ever since. I am so afraid to sing since I am afraid to trust my body. My symptoms right now are as follows:

TMJ- slowly getting treated for it with splints and therapy and biofeedback

Muscles underneath chin- don't know what to do about those
Muscles in my neck- better with ROLFING but if I lift ANYTHING it just goes backwards and gets injured again
It feels like the scars where my tonsils were removed two years ago are actually causing a problem in my mouth. I don't know how this is possible.

I feel like everytime I go to sing, my jaw retracts, closing my throat...as if to begin to yawn. Maybe it's mental/anxiety connected?

My head is always in pain and the pressure in my ears vary. THIS SUCKS.

I am a professional singer completely put on hold. I have begun to excercise with hopes that something might connect correctly and stop this unbelievable chronic pain.

For more detail visit my evolving blog discussing my injury, and the resources complete with contact info and experiences if any of these struggles match what you're feeling.


PLEASE WRITE TO ME. I haven't felt this helpless in a very long time.


05-06-09, 18:07
Well,it's good to know I am not alone. I have been doing this jaw clenching thing for years now. When I mentioned it to my GP he just said it was all to do with my overall tendency to suffer from anxiety and depression. He was a bit dismissive. But it is so very very difficult to comes to terms with. I try so hard not to do it but as soon as my mind is on something else it starts. (or I do).

The only "positive" thing is that I am not grinding so my teeth aren't being damaged. But the constant ache in my jaw is awful.


09-05-11, 22:01
I have terrible trouble with jaw clenching.
I have spoken to my doctor who tells me to relax and stop myself doing.:mad: Or to visit the dentist.
I do this 24/7 so a brace at night from dentist is no good!

Any suggestions anyone? :shrug:

12-05-12, 22:07
I have the same problem tight jaws and chin and back of neck
Do you think it is tmj does it feel tight when you swallow
It scares me so much

14-05-12, 06:57
Hi Hendry can you tell me what the outcome was I have the same problem as you terrible neck face chin pain was it tmj please help,

14-05-12, 07:32
Hi Jackie,

I get this so you're not alone. This is an old thread (look at the dates) so you're unlikely to get a response from some of the members.

I think you'll find that if you start a new thread, you'll get a response from other sufferers.

Take care

Pip x

14-05-12, 07:41
I am adding a Canadian to this mix as I to am a long time grinder and clincher. I also have PTSD and my anxiety is high now so l find myself constantly tense all over even in my sleep. Very painful in the neck ,jaw, head and back, everything is hard and spasms. When I work out its crazy sore but I cannot stop my workouts. I am just tense tense tense grrr so happy to here every ones story ,thought I was inflicted with some freaky illness. This makes better sense but wow the pain,all from tension and grinding.

02-06-12, 13:22
Hi Hendry can you tell me what was the outcome of your problems
I am very keen to know I have similar problems

08-12-12, 22:28
Hi All,
i desperatley have been searching google for symptom checkers. i have pain in my ear and down my neck and along my jaw bone. sometimes down to my collar bone, a little trouble swallowing sometimes. Sadly i am a smoker. I know i have been suffering health anxiety but this time i do not know if my symptoms are just a result of anxiety. Muscle tension/spasms etc, etc. So many websites give you the symptoms but how can we be sure. I am actualy going to go to the doctors about this one. Google is the worst thing for symptom checking as it will drive you to think you have the dreaded cancer if you have the pains i have described above. that doesnt helpwhen you suffer health anxiety as my fear is if i go to the doctor he or she will tell me my worst nightmare.
if it is health anxiety symptoms, why and how does it affect my ear, jaw, neck/throat. Are there anxiety/panic counsellors here to explain how the panic affects this areas as that MIGHT help me understand. My accupressurist explained the tightness around my back and how the muscles are connected around the chest and back so that made sense. If there is an expert on anxiety symptoms on this thread can they explain this to me please and that might put my mind at rest.
Thank you from an obsessed person with crippiling symptoms

09-12-12, 08:19
Here is a link to a thread I posted recently about what helps me with jaw tension / clenching. I hope it helps
