View Full Version : Advice please :(

25-05-10, 19:21
Hi all,

I was on here six months ago thinking i had something seriously wrong with me as i had very bad stomach pains and thought it was the dreaded C word, went to the docs and he said i had IBS and gave me some pills, i wasnt happy and went back a week later then they said ok i have IBS due to Anxiety and Health Anxiety gave me some propranolol (think thats how u spell it) i took my dose but it made me worse and two days later had a panic attack and got took to hosp had all checks and all was fine ...

six months later i was fine for a long time didnt have to take pills or anything after reassured from hospital i was fine ...

now i'm at it again, i was fishing last tuesday and noticed a small pea sized lump on my neck at the front next to adams apple, i'm straight away thinking the worst as always, it could be a lot of things but i'm thinking ok its the C word, my neighbour sadly died of C and thats made me a lot worse

its painless and slightly movable, i phoned NHS they said its probably a thyroid gland swollen, anyone had simular? ... i will go to docs at weekend but i'm so worried and also worried i'll get as bad as before and go back several times in that week and to hospital again, i dont want that :weep: I did have flu around 10 days ago just before i noticed the lump but thats gone now but the lumps still there

Anyone had simular? and thanks for reading my story! :flowers:

25-05-10, 22:27
nobody? :weep:

25-05-10, 22:32
Is it actually straight on the front? I had a little feel around just now and I feel little knotty thing. I think it might be normal hun but show doctor and get it checked out. Better to be reassured by the right person. Take care

26-05-10, 00:25
Hi Kev,

I have not had the exact same bump you feel you have.

But a few years ago I noticed some bumps on my fingers, at the knuckles. It was a Friday. Over the weekend I looked up everything I could. Dr Google diagnosed Rheumatoid arthritis. I used the whole weekend to build up an understanding of how this will affect me life, and imagined in vivid detail how badly my life would be affected by RA. I cried many times.

ran to the Dr on Monday morning. He felt the bumps and agreed to send me for tests.
3 days late - all clear. The bumps are just that; bumps.

I 'came out' to him as a real worrier, with HA. When he suggested CBT I jumped at it. Those sessions really helped. Note - they didn't solve the problem completely, but it made life liveable.

Would CBT be a good thing for you?


26-05-10, 15:16
Thanks for reply mate i might look into that thanks

Anyone had same as me? ... Lump is the same size still but i cant stop messing with it which doesnt help, probably go to the docs soon but i am so scared.