View Full Version : Always Thinkin There Is Something Wrong With Me =(

25-05-10, 20:25
Hi i am a 20 year old female with a 2 yr old daughter who is beautiful, i have my own house and a lovely fiance... my life is just perfect at the minute apart form this health anxiety... i am always at the doctors and a&e worrying that there is something wrong with me and that i am going to die... i dont want to die because my life is fab at the moment and i love my lil girl and my man more than anythin but i need some sort of help with this.. i will get a headache then start looking into it on the internet etc, checking my symptoms and come up with a brain tumor. every single day i am dizzy and this also scares me and makes me think what the hell is wrong with me

Sarah Louise
25-05-10, 20:50

I can totally relate i am 24 and i have a 5 month old daughter, i have a house and a loving partner and my life would also be perfect if it wasnt for this anxiety.

Mine started 3 years ago and took a turn for the worst since having Olivia.
I constantly think i have the dreaded C word and i had a MRI in March because i was getting a lot of headaches and i was convinced it was a tumor. I am at the doctors a lot and it is getting stupid. The MRI came back clear and the headaches and dizziness/lightheadedness is all due to tension which is caused by anxiety. One thing i have learnt is Google is the route to all evil and does us no good! It always brings the worst outcomes up which feeds the anxiety.

I dread being on my own in the day my partner is so understanding but i can't keep asking him to have holidays with me.

I am currently taking Anti depressants i didnt want to but i have gotten so low i dont think i have had much of a choice. I am also doing CBT therapy i have my second session tomorrow i was hoping this would be enough but in order for this to work i have to be in a good frame of mind. I think the main thing is trying to find out what has triggered this? And i think you should ask your doctor for some therapy?

Hope this helps x

25-05-10, 22:08
Doctor Google is not your friend! It's easy to convince yourself you have anything when you look the symptoms up on the net.

25-05-10, 22:27
im 25.........what is wrong with us twenty somethings im sure the OAPs were not like this when they were our age probably something to do with us being brought up in a society of much more certainty about life so we fear the uncertainty more than ever!

25-05-10, 22:40
Another 25 year old here! I agree that people our age nowadays seem to be generally more anxious. I think that personally, mine comes from the fact that I did have a lot of medical problems as a child.. those are resolved now (thank the Lord) but I think that set me up to always believe that there's something wrong with me.

I went to the doctor today and he talked to me a long time about these feelings. He gave me an anti anxiety drug to try.

25-05-10, 22:55
22 year old. It's the thread of twenty-somethings. Is anxiety really that much more prevalent now? Or do we just talk about it more, rather than suffering in silence?

25-05-10, 23:13
I'm 40 and have health anxiety. I think the reason it seems more common now is the amount of advertising about your health and Internet access to an online medical encylopedias. When I was 20 you'd need to either have a book on medical conditions to look up symptoms or take a trip to the library or doctors. Now you can google any simple complaint and get a result back of several life threatening illnesses. Also Internet forums weren't around and it wasn't easy to talk about mental health illness with strangers and totally anoymosity.

26-05-10, 00:18
yeah i kinda wish the internet didn't exit because there is no way i would bother trawling through an encyclopaedia to try and find out what wrong. plus encylopaedias do not give examples of real people with illness often or any extreme examples just plain boring facts like cancer is cells that keep replicating it would not scare me enough.......lol!

26-05-10, 02:25
Another 25yr old here, just to come along the thread.

I have a few theories that I bash about of my own about all of this ...

Doctor Google to me is like the devil when it comes to HA, always seems to come back with the big C or the negatives of what your symptoms are. It seems to never be able to just explain the common causes of symptom rather going straight in for the rare causes. This probably doesn't help when we search for example headaches and then in the back of our mind we think no dont come up with brain tumour and when it doesnt we then google headaches and brain tumour in the same search, sometimes we don't help ourselves :(

These days I find that anxiety seems to be more widely spoken about and I dont know if that is because the perception of this illness has changes, people don't seem to be ashamed the way that I believe they were years ago. The fact that it is so common theses days and there are so many forms of anxiety out there, from mild to severe helps speak about it.

Also I find that people like to KNOW everything these days, and we have all these fantastic tools to understand ranging from the internet, CBT, books, forums and advertising. It doesn't feel so scary anymore.

So sorry that is just my rant and thoughts :)

26-05-10, 10:20
28 yr old here with Health anxeity, I have a beautiful little boy and a lovely husband and am terrified I have the dreaded C!! I have been in such a panic for the past month over breast lumpiness and pain, I had a scan and was told everything was fine by a consultant I really like and trust then the pain got worse so I attended another breast clinic as the first on I went too had no appts and it was a bad experience, they scanned me said they could see cysts and something else they didnt know what it was in the end the doc siad I dont know but its PROBABLY benign, I have got myself in such a state I ended up phoning my ususal consultant who phned me back at 10pm last night bless him to tell me he would see me again in his clinic.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I HATE health anxeity and the way it makes me feel:mad::weep:

Also I know google is bad but I cant help it. I know I wouldnt be half as bad if I didnt have access to the internet!


26-05-10, 10:41
I am 37 and have had health anxiety since I saw a film about a woman dying with breast cancer when I was about 13 - that week I found a lump in my own breast and told my mum - she fobbed me off and this stayed at the back of my mind until finally coming to a head at 18 when I went to the docs - the consultant said it must be OK as I was still alive 5 years later!!!!!!!!!
Then I had my first child at 19 and the HA came back as every time she cried I thought there was something wrong - because of this I looked towards training in healthcare so I would understand more about health etc
Anyway dipped in and out of anxiety and depression not really knowing thats what it was
I found another lump in my breast after having my second child at 25 - but the gp found a different one!!! He said not to worry as my breasts were lumpy due to having a baby - that was the last straw - my fear of breast cancer is always with me - and then my mum was diagnosed with it 2 years ago - thankfully she is fine now.
Anyway - my point I am getting to is I often think - I have 2 wonderful children - a great husband and a lovely house, a decent job and currently at university part time - my life is reasonably good - I often think something is bound to go wrong!! So my HA has got worse and worse as I have got older - maybe if I had done something about it when I was in my 20's I may not be like this now

26-05-10, 12:47
Health anxiety is ruining my life. I keep away from Google but the symptoms never leave.