View Full Version : I get all these symptoms

05-02-06, 23:30
These are all the symptoms i suffer with all the time day in day out:-

1.Chronic Fatigue
2.Excess of energy, cannot relax
3.Feeling like i am going to faint or pass out.
5.No energy, feeling lethargic, tired
6.Chest pain or discomfort
7.Feel like i have to force myself to breath
8.Find it hard to breath, feeling smothered, shortness of breath
9.Frequent yawning
10.Fear of dying, fear of impening doom, fear of losing my mind
11.Dizziness and light-headedness
12.Desensitization, depersonalization
13.Feeling down in the dumps
14.Being on edge

Also i find myself worrying about dying prematurely, going insane or losing my mind, choking or suffocating, not breathing properly and having a serious undetected illness.

06-02-06, 01:14
How can you suffer from an excess of energy/hyperactivity and no energy/chronic fatigue at the same time? surely theyre mutally exclusive?!

06-02-06, 01:56
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">How can you suffer from an excess of energy/hyperactivity and no energy/chronic fatigue at the same time? surely theyre mutally exclusive?!

<div align="right">Originally posted by Alice - 06 February 2006 : 01:14:01</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I dont get them at the same time, sometimes i can feel very tired and worn out and other times i can feel quite restless and have excess energy.

06-02-06, 09:02

If you go to the symptoms page on the home page -

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

you will see that all of the symptoms you are suffering from are typical anxiety ones.

Trac x

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

06-02-06, 11:22
Join the club Andrew!

Tatty B xx

06-02-06, 16:41
Hi Andrew

I read down your list of symptoms and think most people on this site including myself can relate to them. Its classic anxiety - but we sufferers tend to think the worst. If you think about anxiety symptoms on a constant basis then guess what - you will be anxious. Please try and find any distraction and when a symptom comes - dont add to the fear just let it go. I know this sounds easier said than done and I wouldnt have believed it either - I wasted 8 years of my life to this debilitating illness and now realise just how powerful the mind and my constant frightening thoughts were making me more ill. Believe you have classic anxiety - it does make you feel awful - but you can get better - just read all the positive stories on this wonderful site.

Take care, Andrew


........life is for living not just for surviving

07-02-06, 21:53
Also another symptom that i get is stomach pains/bloatedness which i get nearly everyday, is this another anxiety symptoms?

Also i get a feeling like someone is pushing down on my head and my eyelids and it feels really weird, it makes me feel like i cannot open my eyes fully and makes everything seem like a daze.

I really hate feeling this way 24/7 like i have done for the last 22 months , although for the first year i didn't have half of the symptoms i do now.

Sometimes i think i would rather die than keep suffering like this all the time, all these symptoms i get are very uncomfotable especially ones like feeling like i cannot breath etc.

07-02-06, 21:55
If the symptoms came on and off or if i had them evrey few days it would not be as bad to to have them 24/7 is very distressing.

Somtimes i think it is not anxiety because i do not have any fear's or have anything to get anxious about and that is what i don't understand.

I have tried everything from exercise to relaxation to taking loads of supplements and listening to hypnosis cd's but nothing relieves my symptoms not even for 5 minutes.

I keep thinking that i have some nasty life-threatening undetected illness or something or that i am slowly dying, a man my age should not die prematurely or get something life-threatening but it is not impossible.

If any of you ever meet me it would be really interesting to know if i looked an anxious or ill person from the outside, i mean would i look ill if i was dying or had a life threatening disease?

07-02-06, 22:06

Why don't you make the effort to come to one of the meet-ups this year so you can meet us all. We are normal people that don't look any different.

What I want you to do is this...

Go to www.nopanic.org.uk and pay the £10 to join, then ask to be on their telephone recovery course. It is an hour's phone call once a week and it will really really help. It is primarily CBT based so you don't have to leave the house, see a doctor, get any tests or anything.

Please do this tomorrow and then let me know when you have done it.

Would it help if I came to see you and go through things? PM me your address and I will do that if you want.


08-02-06, 01:29
The worst symptoms for me lately are feeling like i cannot breath, it feels like someone is pushing down on my chest and stomach and is also smothering/suffocating me and i feel like i cannot breath out, my stomach hurting and being bloated doesn't help i must admit.

08-02-06, 12:38
Hi Andrew

As a follow up to Nicola's suggestion for the No Panic Telephone Recovery Group. I started this about 6 weeks ago and it is excellent. The course is based on CBT and the fact that you are talking with another 5 people on the course and realising they have the same fears and irrational thoughts as you makes you realise you are not alone and it reinforces the fact that it is anxiety you are suffering from and not some other illness. You work on goals and take it in small stages but you do not talk much about how you feel, etc it is a very positive and constructive course and I would say definetly give it a try.

Take care for now

Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

08-02-06, 19:54
andrew please listen to the great advice given by nicola as you seem to doubt any thing people are saying. i no this is hard to believe that all your horrible symptoms are due to anxiety but u must realise that you are simply that, anxious. please get this help that is offered to you, just try it and see. also do you read any of claire weekes books which lists all of your symptoms

nicola could you send me info on this scheme sounds great and there is little in the way of cbt in my area


10-01-09, 09:34
:D Hi Andrew,
I get all these symptoms you mentioned. I've been checking things out on google and alot of the symptoms are very like fibromyalgia, something I think alot of people on this site might have as some people ache all over which I tend to. Soreness in joints, face pain, leg pain, back pain, chest pain, extreme tirdness, feeling low, heartburn, IBS, panic attacks the list is endless with symptoms. You should check it out, It's very interesting:yesyes:

11-01-09, 04:43
Sounds like a day in the life of Ryan.