View Full Version : Acid Reflux?

25-05-10, 21:22
Does anyone who gets Acid Reflux (i think this means where the acid plays up high in your upper abdomen, like the middle of your chest) Yeah anyways.

If you get this weird heartburn/acid type of uncomfort, does it feel like its hard to breathe in?

25-05-10, 21:23
It can be, slightly. Have you taken anything for the heartburn?

25-05-10, 21:26
Today, my doctor said tht GERD can cause symptoms that mimic asthma. So, yeah..this is very possible with reflux. happens with me.

25-05-10, 21:28
Today, my doctor said tht GERD can cause symptoms that mimic asthma. So, yeah..this is very possible with reflux. happens with me.

what is GERD? Yeah im led here and it feel uncomftable and hard to breath in because right in the middle of my chest maybe couple of inches lower. feels so nasty and uncomftable

25-05-10, 21:29
It can be, slightly. Have you taken anything for the heartburn?

had a rennie earlier and paracetomol.

Just wont shift, its horrible.

its uncomftable to eat/chew aswell just dont feel like putting anything near my mouth for some reason. Sooo uncomftable and i cam here it gurgling in that pacific area ( couple of inches unde the middle of my breast area)

25-05-10, 22:02
Hi.... I have Gerd,and I take Nexium I also watch what i eat as spices,tomato's and citrus friuts make it worse.There is a tablet called Somac which is very good to.Try eating 6 little meals a day,that is what the dietian told me to do....Hope this helps a little.:D

25-05-10, 22:06
Maybe get some renitadine instead of the rennies, failing that omnaprozole/lanzoprazole on prescription.

What I find helps is eating small meals, more often, so 6 small-ish meals instead of three large ones. Some people have specific triggers like milk, spicy food etc, or fatty food can set it off. My doctor told me to keep a record of what I was eating and when the acid pain was worst, that way you can work out if anything in the way of food might be causing the pain.

25-05-10, 22:28
Great HELP.

Thankyou Guys :) x

26-05-10, 15:18
GERD is refulx. Stands for Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease.

Although its called GORD in the uk as we spell it OESOPHAGEAL.

26-05-10, 22:00
im having bad stomach problems, i get heartburn, but i get more like i feel something in throat, very bloated and noisy belly on left upper side, i get ashma symptoms too , bad hunger pains, nausea, my doctor has given me omeprazole which ive not tok yet as scared as i have tablet phobia, im not convinced this is reflux as i rarely get the pains in chest or heartburn also i feel better lying down. im confused