View Full Version : Me again with my DVT worry :(

26-05-10, 08:29

I had a doppler of my right leg last week as I had a lot of pain in the bottom of my leg.

I have had some pain in my groin lately and now I am worried that I have a clot in my groin.

When I picked the scans up they said they go right from the top of my leg - do you think they would see a groin clot at the top?

Sometimes I feel like I need to 'crack' my joint in my groin (I have had 3 kids, the most recent 7 months ago so I have always put it down to everything shifting after and during pregnancy). And it is sore a lot. But now I am paranoid its a clot there rather then just a saw joint etc.

I have got the scan report here that says they checked the common femoral, superficial femoral, popliteal, posterior Tibial, anterior tibial, peroneal but this is all double dutch to me and I don't know if any of these go up into the groind.

help please:doh:

26-05-10, 09:29
Hiya.the scan would have picked up if you had got a clot in your groin,thats where i had got one.Also you would know if you had got one with the pain andchanges in your leg.Dont worry.

26-05-10, 23:58
Thanks pink17

Going home
27-05-10, 00:11
These are all arteries and muscles in your legs..anterior tibial is an artery, peroneal is a muscle in the calf, so they've looked quite deeply into it for you and its come up negative. I would tend to believe these results. You're right when you say you could still be recovering from giving birth 7 months ago, your body is still returning to normal and you're bound to have some pain in your groin area etc. What started the DVT fear?

Anna xxx

27-05-10, 00:45
Thanks Anna - I am not quite sure what started this worry. I was always worried about it during my pregnancy as I was at a an increased risk. My father suffered from a DVT about 10 years ago so thats always on my mind. And I know of a lady that had a PE kill her a few months back when her baby was a few months old (caused by pregnancy/caeserean).

I know they checked my leg out fine, it is more where the top of my leg meets my body I really don't know what the specific area is called lol. Thats were it is sore now and I wasn't sure if they checked that high up (or even if that is where a groin DVT would be sitting).

Thank you for explaining things though, I do appreciate it.

Going home
27-05-10, 00:49
I can see where the fear comes from but there's more chance of you being struck by lightening honestly than have this happen to you just because its happened to others, but i do know how hard it is to let go of a deep rooted fear.

Take care
Anna xxx

27-05-10, 12:30
Thanks Anna. xxx