View Full Version : Hi All....Never thought I'd be here.

26-05-10, 11:51
Hello everyone

I’m a big fan of internet forums and use them regularly for many things. This is one place though that I would have never have thought I needed. I think this will be the first time I have actually openly acknowledged the fact that I am having a real problem. I might well ramble on a bit, so please bear with me, and I thank you in advance for your patience!

I suspect turning 40 last September was the beginning for me, the time when my anxiety kicked in. Whether it’s actually triggered by age I don’t know, but I don’t think so. Being 40 doesn’t bother me per se, and I can only identify it as the time my ‘attacks’ started. I began to experience chocking sensations – not like someone is physically chocking me, but like I have something in my throat…an excess of saliva or phlegm that I cannot get rid of. Swallowing becomes difficult and makes me want to gag / retch. On bad days I physically WILL gag (quite spectacularly and rather embarrassingly too!).

I’ve attempted to research a little about what triggers my anxiety attacks, and I have the triggers pretty much identified. Domestic matters mainly….money, bills etc. Ordinarily these are thing that have never got to me before, and I cannot understand why I have only now begun to suffer from these attacks. Sometimes I feel very foolish, but these feelings are very real to me. Luckily only twice in the last 7-8 months have I had to feign illness and go home from work. Monday this weeks was the latest incident. I felt SO dreadful all the way home ( a 30 mile drive), yet when I went through the front door I immediately began to feel better. The gagging sensations have returned a few times a day all week, but are getting better.

I have tried many things to try to aleiviate this. Breathing a certain way helps a little sometimes; causing myself pain by snapping an elastic band on my wrist also has been known to help.

I suppose an up-side to this is that since October I have lost 3 stone in weight, and continue to lose it.

I’m going to post this now before I become unintelligible.

I hope I can resolve some of my issues here, and maybe assist others by relating my experiences and by being able to identify with others going through similar issues.

Once again…thanks!

26-05-10, 11:54
Hi viv.

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-05-10, 11:55
hi have you seen the doctor

26-05-10, 12:01
Hi Viv,
Welcome to NMP and hope you find some advice and help. Talking to your doctor might give you some insight into your problem and he may be able to help you, I was against taking meds for a long time but I've reached a point where I needed help badly so I'm giving them a go.

You might find this post helpful (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=72598), along with others in the Top Tips section.

26-05-10, 12:02
Thanks for the welcomes.

Gypsywoman, I have seen my GP just before Christmas, and she prescribed 40mg per day of Propranolol; however beyond that there was no real assistance.

26-05-10, 12:31
Hey Viv,
I was originally prescribed prop but it didn't deal with the mental anxiety, just the physical effects, like reducing adrenaline levels. They often prescribe that as it sometimes works to reduce the anxiety by reducing the physical symptoms, but I found it did little for me so visited my GP again and he prescribed an anti depressant which seems to be helping now. Perhaps if you discuss this with him he may find something that works better for you.

26-05-10, 12:41
Thanks Raindog. To be honest I had gone for quite a while without a serious episode until this Monday, and nothing specific happened to start that off, so it looks like I may have to reconsider another visit to the GP. I've liked to think that I can deal with this all on my own, but it's beginning to appear that that's not the case, and that's almost as difficult for me to accept as the attacks themselves!