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26-05-10, 15:20
So this has taken me some courage to join.

I am Rachael married with 3 boys and I am 38 years of age. I had my first panic attack on New Years Eve 1999! Yes I remember that night well and not because of the Millenium! :) I didn't have anymore until April 2008 when my husband nearly lost his life. A few months before that I had lost my best friend. Two weeks after my husband came home from hospital we lost our first dog Sam and then I just started to suffer more and more with anxiety. I feel this was the start of it all.

I had always been a really strong person who could deal with anything thrown at me. I am a full time carer for my husband now & maybe that is why I am on edge as I have a lot to cope with.

These attacks are ruining my life. I had a really bad one on Sunday night where I ended up vomiting. My youngest son was going to France on Monday with his school & I just think I got worked up over it. I am on edge today & feel sick at present.
The way they happen sometimes, they can come on for no reason the slightest little upset to my daily routine and it can tip me over the edge.

I do have a phobia of being sick so you can imagine that the more I panic the more I feel sick & the more I feel sick the more panic & so on.....I try to reason to myself when in the middle of one but I just can't control the feelings of dread. I even sometimes think (in the middle of an attack) I can't go on living.

My Doctor has prescribed me Citalopram but I don't think they are doing much good. Well not, when I can still get severe panic attacks.

Anyway I think I have wrote a long enough introduction. Just getting it out there makes me feel better. :)

26-05-10, 15:24
Hi RachK

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-05-10, 16:26
So this has taken me some courage to join.

I am Rachael married with 3 boys and I am 38 years of age. I had my first panic attack on New Years Eve 1999! Yes I remember that night well and not because of the Millenium! :) I didn't have anymore until April 2008 when my husband nearly lost his life. A few months before that I had lost my best friend. Two weeks after my husband came home from hospital we lost our first dog Sam and then I just started to suffer more and more with anxiety. I feel this was the start of it all.

I had always been a really strong person who could deal with anything thrown at me. I am a full time carer for my husband now & maybe that is why I am on edge as I have a lot to cope with.

These attacks are ruining my life. I had a really bad one on Sunday night where I ended up vomiting. My youngest son was going to France on Monday with his school & I just think I got worked up over it. I am on edge today & feel sick at present.
The way they happen sometimes, they can come on for no reason the slightest little upset to my daily routine and it can tip me over the edge.

I do have a phobia of being sick so you can imagine that the more I panic the more I feel sick & the more I feel sick the more panic & so on.....I try to reason to myself when in the middle of one but I just can't control the feelings of dread. I even sometimes think (in the middle of an attack) I can't go on living.

My Doctor has prescribed me Citalopram but I don't think they are doing much good. Well not, when I can still get severe panic attacks.

Anyway I think I have wrote a long enough introduction. Just getting it out there makes me feel better. :):hugs:hi Rach, you have realy had alot to cope with over time,i can imagine how you feel,i have had so much greif to cope with in the yrs past end results,panic attacks,anxiety and depresion,as many on here have to ,my heart gose out to you.have you been on citalopram a while? if so then may be your doc could try another,its obviously not helping.maybe some couseling to may help but certainly worth chatting to your GP.hope you get sorted out real soon and begin to feel better,every one iv come across on here has helped me emensly,advice is abundant and we are all caring sufferers.take care.ellen.xxxx

26-05-10, 16:35
Hi Rach. I'm new too, and I'm sorry to hear you're having such a bad time of it right now. I too had to really pluck up some courage to post here today, but I can tell you this....having told someone (in fact a LOT of someones!) about how I'm feeling, I have felt better this afternoon than I have in weeks. It's all very well discussing with your doctor, but telling a bit of my story here today has made me feel like I'm finally in touch with people who KNOW what I am feeling, and who understand what life is really like with anxiety.

I hope we can both..all...get the support, understanding and courage that I believe this place is brimming with.

26-05-10, 18:43
Thank you all for your kind words & messages. I feel better than I did earlier today. I nearly did have a panic attack this afternoon but I managed to pull myself around. Thank God for my dogs as I went out for a walk with them. Haven't had any tea though as I still felt a bit sick. :( I think once my youngest is home from France I will feel better too.

I don't cope with change much, my older two left school last week (I have 16 yr old twins) so that has probably made me more anxious.

I am off to the Docs again next Wednesday so will see what he says about my medication.

Oh & meant to say that after I have recovered from a panic attack, I feel so silly for having been so scared over what most of the time, was a trivial thing. Does anyone else get this? Still happens again though doesn't it?!!:ohmy:
