View Full Version : Ladies please - uncomfy down there and sooooo worried

26-05-10, 17:59
For a couple of months I have had a swelling/lump and the back of my vagina (before the perinium). It makes me feel so uncomfy and heavy down there. I have seen 2 lady docs about this, 1 twice and they have had very good prods about. The last doc said it was loose skin due to my running??? I have got myself wound up that I have a tumour down there though. The doc would have noticed this in the exam surely though. She also did an internal to check inside as I often experience pelvic pain. She said she couldn't feel anything but is sending me for an ultrasound in case I have an ovarian cyst. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? This is my lastest HA and I am sick with worry. I am worried that I have a huge growth in me that is pushing my bits out. So stressed and DO NOT want to sleep with hubby etc.....

26-05-10, 18:06
hi there..xxx hope you are ok.. well, about your sweeling. I too noticed something like that but not a swellin but something like extra skin near the anus area down the vagina but no pain there. I havnt been to any doc yet coz i thought it could be from giving birth. I have it like a year a go. anyway..you went to the doc and they checked you don't worry hun you are okay it's just adrenalin playing with your mind i am sure of that!!! try to relax until you get that scan thing done..xxx
