View Full Version : worried about smear test

26-05-10, 19:00
hello everbody, i am a new member, i suffer from anxiety and depression for a long time,i am 58 years old and today i went for a smear test, the last one was five years ago, as in the uk at my age, its five yearly, i use to go every three years, but i wondered if anybody know if my last smear was normal, can they see five years ahead, my anxiety is really high and i am convinced there is something wrong down there, i will on edge for the next month, i wish i could think posivelty, but i cant, i cant really travel, and i feel a right mess, not much of an introduction is it, but hello to you all.:)

26-05-10, 19:07
happy birthday ,, its just the way it is here ,, every 5years normal if they thought from last smear they would have brought it forward ,instead of waiting 5 years try not to worry :hugs:

26-05-10, 19:08
:welcome:Lavender Big hugs to you. I'm really sorry that you are going through all this anxiety. If you can arrange to chat to your GP voicing your concerns about your smear test. If they find any abnormal cells you will be recalled. Is there any reason for you to think that there is anything wrong 'down there'. I can understand your health anxiety as we reach our fifties. I am forty eight. If you are really concerned and are in a position to do so you could arrange to have the smear repeated privately. Best Wishes. EJ.

27-05-10, 17:53
thanks for the two replies, i will try to keep positive. thanks:D

03-06-10, 22:24
still worrying about smear test results, my anxiety levels are really high, the waiting for an envelope to drop on the mat, is very hard for us people who suffer from anxiety and panic, your mind goes all over the place, its really bad, any tips from anyone, how to deal with this. thanks!!:ohmy: