View Full Version : How to stop the HA coming back?

26-05-10, 19:11
I can feel HA creeping back in. Not just because I've actually felt unwell for the first time in ages again, but becuase of the things I've been doing. When I'm cruising along living in the moment, as it were, I'm alright. As soon as I have to start planning things for years, months or even weeks down the line I start freaking out and thinking that I'll probably be dead by then so what's the point? I'm sorting out stuff for the final year of my undergrad degree, starting to put together applications for an Msc, and I can't see myself actually doing any of it. I can't see myself graduating because I'm so sure I'll be dead by then. I can't live my life one day at a time, so I really don't know what to do.

26-05-10, 20:39
hi pd

I am really well at the minute - except for the anxiety that it will come back!!!

I just keep thinking how wrong I was about everything - some stuff I was panicking about I feel quite silly about now (not that I did at the time)

Just remind yourself that the problem was the anxiety NOT any serious illness.

I recognise some triggers now, eg tiredness, hangover etc if this helps...

you beat it before, youll beat it again, you'll beat it everytime

27-05-10, 12:03
hi Pd,

Sorry to hear that you health anxiety has come back. Could it somehow be related to the stress of your studies also. How did you overcome your HA before?

I'm also in the same boat, almost got rid of my health anxiety, but it's been back with a vengance these past few months. Drs have run so many tests and found nothing, yet sometmes I feel so physically ill.

Last time, I beat it by being active, doing sport, eating well and trying to sleep well, read and relax.

I think sleep is a big help, sleeping well at night i mean, not taking naps.

Good luck, hope you feel better soon.