View Full Version : VCDT

26-05-10, 19:49
Visual Coding Displacement Therapy (VCDT) is a versatile and highly effective alternative medicine treatment tool based on the theory that the human mind is similar to that of a computer. Just like a computer that has basic operating systems (e.g.MS-DOS, Windows) the human brain has systems for respiration, growth, etc. However as one loads individual programmes on a computer, the human brain gradually learns behaviour. VCDT can actively displace negative behaviour, thoughts and unpleasant memories that have such a debilitating impact on a person’s life. The technique has been used many times in the media and televised across the world.
Visual Coding Displacement Therapy (VCDT) was developed and patented by husband & wife psychotherapists Nik & Eva Speakman. VCDT is just one tool in the very unconventional arsenal used by the celebrity therapists Nik & Eva Speakman to re-energise the lives of their clients. Nik and Eva have both studied and experimented with the capabilities of the mind for a combined period of over 40 years and they are absolute advocates of psychological change without medication. Their influences have been B.F. Skinner, Ivan Pavlov, Edward Thorndike, Milton H. Erickson, Carl Jung, Napoleon Hill, and Richard Bandler. In fact Nik cites Bandler as a genius who has influenced most of their work. Being from different backgrounds they also draw on their experiences and different skill bases to complement each other in forming a formidable battle against even the most recalcitrant of addictions, phobias, habits, etc. With their combined knowledge, training and experience, Nik & Eva discovered that they were able to turn people’s lives around by tuning in to their problems, fixing them and pointing them in the right direction. The trademarked technique has been used extensively on people from many professions all over the world. Several of the client sessions have also been aired as part of the Speakman's television show ‘A Life Coach Less Ordinary.’
Proponents of VCDT claim it relieves many psychological and resultant physical conditions, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, general stress, addictions, fears, obsessive compulsive disorders and phobias.
During VCDT treatment the client is asked to think about the issue they wish to remove and then they keep their head motionless and follow the movement of an object at the edge of their peripheral vision with their eyes only, as it is moved in a circle in front of them. By doing this it is easy to see which points of the circle evoke the strongest and weakest feelings associated with a negative emotion. At one point in the circle the client’s fear will be the greatest. This is because when there is an internal thought trigger, the person looks in a certain direction and accesses a particular part of their brain that makes them think about the negativity associated with the problem.
When the client’s eyes flicker or their physiology changes, this is the point at which VCDT strikes upon the exact place they look when their fear is triggered.
At this point the VCDT practitioner asks the client for a calibration, i.e. how do they feel on an ‘out of 10’ scale. This is necessary to measure the progressive success as the VCDT treatment continues.
The VCDT practitioner then continues to look for the point in the circle where the client has either neutral or no feelings about the problem. When this is found, the fear can be diluted by moving the object in a fraction of a second from the point of negative emotion to the point of no feelings. Whilst doing this the practitioner will also use low level distraction/shock techniques to distract the client’s thought process, for example by audibly shouting “Delete!” or something related to the problem. This helps to break the pattern.
The client is then asked to blink vigorously then squeeze their eyes tightly. Having carried out the dilution, blinking and squeezing helps to re-focus the subconscious mind and acts as a ‘reset’.
After repeating this process around five times, the VCDT practitioner will once again calibrate the client to see where they are. Usually, there is expected to be a reduction down to around 6 out of 10.
A further set of five displacement processes would displace the problem altogether.

To see in action click link below...


I've just finished training with Nik & Eva at the weekend. I'm offering 5 free sessions to anyone willing to work with me In the Kent area. Please leave message if your interested. You gain & I gain further practice of this powerful technique.

Thanks for reading & watching...


27-05-10, 10:41
Sounds very interesting. Can I ask which part of the Kent area you are in please? I will be visiting my parents in the Gravesend area for 9 days from 1st June.

24-03-11, 11:46
Links to clips showing Nik & Eva using VCDT on 'This Morning' to rid people of their phobia's




24-03-11, 15:42
Another great success by the Speakman's using VCDT


This is a behind the scene footage with Holly from 'This Morning'


24-03-11, 19:53
\been watching this morning and I think VCDT will help me loads does anyone know where I can find out f anyone in the Wirral area does this.

Please help

I have had anxiety attacks for 7 years but it got so bad I cant go out without my husband and cant even do the school run

24-03-11, 20:18

I've sent you a PM.

25-03-11, 16:24
Another great success. Phobia of dolls.



25-03-11, 21:08
thanks for the posts Carl,

i found the youtube one the most interesting one by far


08-08-12, 13:58
Although I love the idea of VCDT I do wonder if there is any evidence of it working over the medium / long term.

It is very impressive to see so many instant success stories appearing but if you went back to these people 6 months to a year later are they still Anxiety free? or free from phobias etc?


08-08-12, 14:03
Wish I lived in Kent..I would love to try it but I live in Durham

12-03-13, 20:17
I would love to have a course of VCDT im saving hard atm, maybe one day i will be lucky enough!