View Full Version : kinda gross embarrassing anus problems -worried

26-05-10, 23:38
am sorry firstly if this is abit TMI for some people.

but am really worried about it and cos its a embarrassing problem , I dont wanna talk to people about it so thought i would try my luck in here.

about a month ago i had a BM, and as i wiped I noticed a REALLY small speck of blood on tissue paper. i didnt really think much of it. till yesterday I had a BM and it happened again. I kept wiping through out the day to see if there was any more blood sometimes there was sometimes not. this amount of blood is so small and more pinkish then bright red fresh blood. anyway today my anus has been sore esp when I walk abit like burning sensation . I didnt see any blood on my tissue paper this morning. although since checking again before i had a small about again. I checked in mirror down there to see if i could see anything. i noticed where its sore left side of entrace to my anus. it feels hard dont know if lump or not i dont know if this is normal. am just panicing.

my BM are normal apart from this and very regular every morning .am feeling 100% fit apart from this eating normal no weight loss or gain.

I just dont know what it is and worrying about the big C word or hoepfully just piles or something. I dont know what to do :(. i feel like i need to go to the toilet but dont want to incase loads of blood or something I think this could be because am worrying to much.

I hope someone can help me


26-05-10, 23:51
Sounds like piles or a small tear (fissure).

You can get some cream from the chemist to help with it - anusol.

If it persists then see doc

Going home
26-05-10, 23:55
Please don't worry, this sounds like a haemorrhoid and while it isn't anything serious, it can be very uncomfortable but you can buy cream to shrink them from Boots etc. They are quite common in both men and women, and some women tend to get them during pregnacy but you can get them at any time. They will bleed a little also and this is what you're seeing on the toilet paper.

Anna xx

Going home
26-05-10, 23:56
Lol, posted at the same time as nic so duplicate advice sorry..:D

Anna xx

26-05-10, 23:58
am just worried about the big C word. I dont know if its ment to feel hard around entrance. I have a big fear of doctors / hospitals etc. so its not easy for me to just get it checked. esp because of the type of problem it is too.

Going home
27-05-10, 00:00
Yes it is meant to be hard around that area if its a haemorrhoid (piles) which is just what it sounds like from the way you describe it.

Anna xx

Going home
27-05-10, 00:02
When you say you feel the need to go to the toilet but are putting it off...how long have you been holding it in?

27-05-10, 00:05
bright red blood does not indicate cancer - that would be dried blood in the poo.

It is most likely piles or a small tear but we can only advise on here and not diagnose

27-05-10, 00:14
no am not putting it off like i said i go every morning without fail. I think its cos am "really panicking" if you catch my drift. I have just ordered some anusol from boots online. I really do appreciate the help. I just feel lonely like there's no one to calm me down, and tell me its alright. it seems like every other day theres something I am worrying about. but a big thank you to you both. i just dont know how am going to sleep.

27-05-10, 00:20
When I first had piles I could not believe the amount of blood in the loo!

It terrified me.

I went to docs and ended up having further tests but I won't scare you with that right now.

It can be a simple case of changing diet to get rid of the piles and they can also be injected to reduce them

Going home
27-05-10, 00:23
Its classic anxiety, and if you put this fear into the search section you'll find lots of other members with the same fears believe me. Please try not to worry, as nicola says, we can't diagnose on here, but your symptoms sound very familiar to me too...without going into too much detail haha! But you see this isn't a fear for me so I can live with it and I do, my fear is my heart...don't get me started on that one lol! so we all suffer with something so you're not alone ok?

Anna xx

27-05-10, 01:00
I know what you too mean . if you could actually see the amount of blood it was you'll most prob laugh in fact its most prob the size of a full stop .... if that. i have alot of HA problems but if I have had something before it doesnt worry me as much cos i know how to deal with it... but when its something new i worry loads. and think this is "the big one". and i know me like all of you when theres something wrong you focus all your thought on that area. and anything lightly different gets blown up. I can think rational about it but it doesnt help. I would be much better if this dull pain went away.

Going home
27-05-10, 01:15
Where is the dull pain? you didnt mention this before.

27-05-10, 01:21
yeah i did most prob give u tmi to take in lol, left side of anus entrance like a throbbing / buring senstation feels worse when i walk.

27-05-10, 19:04
Even more worried about this. its like a lump under skin right side of enterance to anus. bit sore when sit down or walk. dont know what to do, wish i had the guts to just go to doctors. :(

27-05-10, 23:38

defo sounds like a pile to me, had it before and its exactly that, burning and painful to walk and sit down and you can defo feel a lump, its just the vein. Try some hot baths, soaking that area, it will definitely soothe it, and then the cream afterwards and keep that area very clean and as dry as you can. It will just take a few days to get better.

Take care
Natalie x

Going home
27-05-10, 23:46
Yes I remember reading about the throbbing and it being painful when you walk or sit down, but in a later post you then described it as a dull ache so I didnt associate it with the haemorrhoid sorry, but yes the pain and discomfort you describe really sounds like a haemorrhoid, so try not to worry too much, they're very common.

Take care
Anna xx

28-05-10, 00:41
thanks you too. its still sore today. I have seen pics of piles on net and mine doesnt look like that. I can feel like a raised lump/ running from top to bottom of entrance left hand side. It almost feels like a swollen vein . I havent been able to have a BM today which has been worrying for me. i panic that its just completly blocked up or something lol. I also worrying loads about anal cancer. I hate this feeling :(

Going home
28-05-10, 00:51
You say it 'almost' feels like a swollen vein, well in actual fact that's exactly what it is, a swollen vein. Do you really want one of us to tell you that it's a tumour? is that what you're thinking it is? because it isn't, its piles...a haemorrhoid to give it its clinical name and that is exactly what you're describing. You have to accept this, or find the courage to go to the doctor and have it looked at. But nine times out of of ten, the doctors don't examine you with this, they will say the same thing to you that we are saying after you've described it in the same way. You can go into as much detail as you want...how big or small, or right or left side, or itchy or sore or bleeding...the answer is the same, its piles, and yours is no different from any of our piles and please believe me when i say that many of us have them :blush:

Anna xxx

28-05-10, 00:57
am sorry, I just always think the worse. because of my HA problems as you well know your HA gets 10x worse late at night when your in bed worrying. And I constantly need reassurance. I know I must annoy so many people with my problems. but i really cant help it. I do really appreciate the help and advice you have offered me, means alot. well hopefully my creme will be here tomorrow and things will be looking up. I have been looking at didferent remedies online. alot of people say ice can help but am worried about making it worse :S. but anyway thanks so much again.

Going home
28-05-10, 01:22
No, you're not annoying anyone believe it, but try to think positive...yes I know, i know..its near impossible when its your own fear. if my heart starts jumping I have a really hard time convincing myself its not a heart attack so i know where you're coming from. You have a fear of cancer and think this lump is something that could be serious, but for the people here who have had these piles we know the symptoms and you are describing piles down to the last spot of blood....now we just have to convince you of it :)

Don't feel bad and don't let me put you off posting...keep posting, this is your fear and i respect it...was only trying to motivate you to think positive. You will be fine really. If this was cancer you'd have many more symptoms.

Anna xxx

28-05-10, 01:40
yes your right the C word is a massive fear for me every lump and bump i get i think i have got it, and i hate it.

I just didnt know hemorrhoids could hurt this much. wouldnt wish it on anyone. I dont know if its hurting alot more cos am worried and thinking about it. I just dont know what to do to ease the pain.

Stupid me started using dr google when it first happened and it brought all kinds of fears into me. :( am a fool to myself i know.
I know what you mean about heart stuff without raising to much about it I have been there.

Going home
28-05-10, 01:51
Piles can get bigger and then become more painful...and painful is the word :weep: I hope the cream eases yours, but don't be afraid to ask your doctor or a pharmacist for something if this cream doesn't work, it doesn't work for everyone. And if there's anything else you want to ask here just ask it ok?

Anna xxx

Going home
28-05-10, 01:52
...and stop googling!! :)

28-05-10, 02:03
One more Q I promise, I dont know if this is related. but I have also noticed now and again. once every 1/2 weeks had like mucous clinging too my stools when i have a BM can this be another symptom. I didnt wanna mention this at first because well its embrassing and kinda gross. and am sorry to ask u now too. but it could be related. thanks

Going home
28-05-10, 02:28
Ok, well when you get piles, even just one, what happens is that the padding of the anus that holds the mucus inside is broken. The gut is full of mucus and some of this mucus is passed down with the stools, but its usually fairly well contained within the rectal walls. If there is any weakness in the anus...as in piles where this 'padding' is interrupted, thenthe mucus is passed out with the stools. Its harmless and doesn't signify anything wrong, except that the anus isn't performing as well as it should be. Some people have piles for many years, but most people recover from them after a few days or a few weeks at most. Like everything, younger people recover quicker :)

Anna xxx

28-05-10, 02:33
thank you anna you need a gold star. I am 29 male i hope am still classed as a younger person. I know I dont act that old but with anyone problems I have I really am like a scared kid lol. I will post how I get on with the creme etc, more for the benefit of other people who might have same problems. but for now i will try my best to chill and stop worrying thanks again .

Going home
28-05-10, 02:39
You're more than welcome, and yes I do know what you mean about age being no barrier when we're confronted by our fears. I'm very old now (56) and can still be reduced to a whimper if my heart plays up too much for my own comfort...:scared15:

Take care and very best wishes
Anna xxx :)

28-05-10, 02:49
piles man, absoloutely thats what i think, im not a quack but im pretty sure the med-heads would agree, I get a load of blood on there sometimes, just one of life's little irritations.