View Full Version : Really anxious, had enough, about to walk out of work.... please help!!!!

27-05-10, 10:48
Hi everyone,

Please help me... im in work. I was feeling so happy this morning, i wasnt feeling anxious at all.. we have moved to a new, quiter building with work and i was really looking forward to coming to work today...

I had to nip to the old building we were based at this morning to pick up a few things and i was feeling absolutly fine... chatting to everyone there, having a laugh etc.. then bang... suddenly felt like i was gona throw up right there!!! I have a huge vomit phobia and this is why i get my panic attacks, also have health anxiety...
So as you can imagine, i freeked!! This rush just came over me out of no where.. my throat felt funny and i knew i had to get out...
I made my excuses and left and im now at the new building.... im just absolutly shitting it! I think im ill... i think iv got a bug and going to be sick.... how would i get home quick!!

I keep trying to tell myself that it was just panic, because mine can come out the blue.. and im trying to tell myself that surely if i was ill, i wouldnt be laughing at joking one minute and then throw up the next.. iv also eaten a banana so i think i couldnt eat if i had a bug surely???

Im so scared... really just wanna run out and go home!! to my safe place.. but on the other hand, i know if i want to beat this then iv got to stay!!!

Has anyone else had this before? Where its just hit you.... i was completely fine, felt better than i have for a long time, then it hit me!!

Hate it, please help xxx

27-05-10, 11:04

I get this ALL the time and I also have a HUGE phobia of throwing up. The way I deal with it is to make sure I take nice deep breaths and get myself some water, also I tell myself that IF I do throw up, it is not going to hurt me I will be okay afterwards.

Do you feel sick to your stomach or is it just like you wanted to heave? That feeling in your throat?

You're okay I promise.


27-05-10, 11:12
Thanks Laura, god i hate this phobia... im only 22, should be having fun .lol. not worrying about throwing up constantly..
I got a weird feeling in my throat at first, like i needed to heave, then this rush came over me and felt like i was freeking out.. deep down i know its panic, but its so hard not to run away!
Im feeling alittle calmer now, but dreding it happening again!
I dont think iv got a bug, cos im alittle hungry and still chatting away as normal, but its constantly on my mind which drives me mad!

How are you with your emetophobia? Do you cope with it etc? xx

27-05-10, 11:19
I'm really glad your feeling a little better, just keep talking to people and having a laugh and it will pass.

I hate this phobia too it was really bad a couple of weeks ago, I was waiting in the playground picking up my son from school and I really felt like I was going to puke, it was awful, I jus had to keep telling myself I was ok and that I wasnt going to throw up. So now I always make sure I have a bottle of water with me, and some mints as they make me feel better, also I use distraction like listening to my ipod or just talking to someone about anything

I just hate that feeling of needing to heave..... eeeuugggghhhhhhhhh gross

I actually had really bad all day for the whole 9 months sickness when I was pregnant and i'm still here to tell the story - I got used to it in the end but still hate it.

You'll be okay. PM me if you ever want to chat about it.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:bighug1:

27-05-10, 12:51
Yeah its horrible... because deep down i know being sick doesnt hurt me, yet still worry about it every second of the day!

Yeah id love children and i wouldnt let this stupid thing stop me... but il prob feel awful for 9 months lol

I always carry water with me, and mints lol im really lucky though cos everyone at work is amazing with it and iv had so much support!

Having cbt at the moment too so im really hoping itl work... doing that desensitisation thing, where im going to have to look at pictures of sick and watch videos of people being sick... she also has a recipe for it! yuk lol but il do anything to get rid of it now, had enough!

Hope you're well and keep strong, its such a debilitating thing and noone realises how bad it gets!

Here if u ever wanna chat too, thankyou for helping, feel so much better now!
Love this site lol xx:D

27-05-10, 13:02
No problem, I know how desperate you can feel with this phobia so I'm glad I could help you out a little. I want more children too and theres no way i'm letting this phobia stop me, no way - if I can do it so can you.:D


Laura xxxxx