View Full Version : Fibromyalgia, virus or stress???

27-05-10, 15:44
Hi, just after any thoughts on this (rather long, sorry)...

In November I was really poorly for about 2 weeks, tired, upset stomach, swollen and spot covered tonsiltis, general felt pretty dreadful. I waited 10 days before giving in and seeing the doctor (I HATE antibiotics), and when I did he said it was probably viral, that he's seen quite a lot of it, that it was probably coming to the end of it's run etc. Basically, go home and drink lots of fluids. I never really got back to 100% after that though, and in February was back there again with raging tonsilits. I saw a different doctor and she was sure it was bacterial - course of penicillin. It cleared up, but again I never got fully better. 3 wees ago it was back, but with unbelievable pain all over my body. It was absolute agony. I just wanted to die, the pain was so bad. EVERYWHERE hurt. I physically couldn't get to the doctor, and called for a house visit. The doctor (a different one again) phoned me when he finished surgery, listened to my symptoms, and decided it was strep thoat (which can cause this awful pain all over the body, apparently.) He faxed another prescription for penicillin to my local pharmacy. So, I finished that course a week and half ago. Yesterday, I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck (quite common for me, and NO, I don't drink!). Within an hour, the all-over body pain had started again. Absolute agony. No sore throat, no swollen tonsils or any thing else. Just this pain. Everywhere. I went to see the same doctor I saw in November, he checked temp (ok), blood pressure (low) and felt all around my stomach and back. Everything normal. Probably some sort of virus. Go home, take pain killers and plenty of fluids. How can this amount of pain be NORMAL???

I do feel much better today, just tired and generally unwell (getting pretty used to that now). So, doctor thinks it's all viruses, mum thinks it's stress, and I'm beginning to wonder if it's something chronic? Fibromyalgia keeps coming up in my google searches (NOT a good place to be looking, I know!) and has done for about 2 years. I have bad anxiety, depression on and off, panic attacks, IBS, always tired (blood test 5 weeks ago normal) and these repeated infections. I need to be well, I'm on the waiting list for a hysterectomy and can't afford for it to be put of due to illness (won't go into detail about my problems down there, on top of everything else.)

Sorry for the essay, I'm just soooo fed up with it all. Any thougths would be great. Thanks

27-05-10, 16:08
Angelia, sorry to hear that you are feeling so rough. I would say that it does not sound like FM to me. My Mrs has been diagnosed with it and it affects her joints and muscles and she has to go back to bed most days. She also finds it hard to sleep too because of the pain. I would go back to your Dr and request a full blood count, ESR & CRP. If there is any inflamation this will show. Good luck

27-05-10, 16:42
Thanks for your reply, and sorry to hear about your wife.

Aside from what I've written above, the last 2-3 years have brought me: chronic sinusitis, ever more extreme reactions to stress and anxiety, tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome (both arms), more frequent bouts of sciatica, painful knees and ankles (not constant, but regular, in fact just general aches and pains) and recurring exhaustion. 2 years ago I was in a very physically demanding job, now I have to rest for an hour after just vacuuming the lounge :weep:. I also get restless legs (and arms?!), occasional migraines with aura (never really suffered with them before). I feel hungover in the mornings (I don't drink alcohol at all) and am stiff and a bit sore all over when I get up. I suppose at the moment, the most disabling things are the arm and wrist pains, and those in my hips, knees and ankles, and tiredness. But when I try to do anything 'normal', like go shopping or clean the house, I feel completely wiped out and achey.

I had a full blood count about 5 weeks ago (gynea probs) and it was normal (iron low, but not anaemic). What is ESR and CRP (sorry if being thick :huh:)?

Thanks again

27-05-10, 17:28
ESR & CRP are inflammation testers. I had a FBC 2 months ago all was okay and another 3 weeks ago and something was spotted. Interesting that you mention restless legs and arms as she gets this. In fact, I know FM can not be caught but I am actually getting similar symptoms to her. My CRP was raised that indicates something going on in my body, though I have had a touch of gingvitis which I was told yesterday was quite bad and this can cause inflammation markers in ones body to be raised.

I am getting the same as you with pains and aches in the wrists, ankles, elbows, knees. My worst pain is in the upper right shoulder, neck and back. In fact it has quite worried me. My problems started at Xmas and progressed really. I think that I over done things to the run up to Xmas, drinking, worling and not eating properly and I am now paying the price! Let me know how you get on.

27-05-10, 17:49
Sorry that you're suffering yourself too, it's probably quite hard for you to put yourself first. What follow up will you have regarding the CRP result?

I will be requesting an extended appointment with the doctor within the next couple of weeks - I need someone to take me seriously! If this is all related to stress/anxiety/depression then I WILL accept it and go back on the pills. I just want to be sure.

I hope you get some answers, too.