View Full Version : Achieved something now shattered

margaret jones
27-05-10, 16:31
Hi does anyone have a good day like i have today, went shopping into town controlled panic/anxiety bought new clothes and felt good .
Got home and now i feel exhausted and anxious ( why ) i should be feeling good surely after achieving something ???


27-05-10, 21:47
Yeah I get that all the time, controlling anx even when you have really done well and acheived is exhausting!

controlling anx expends much energy but as you get better at it you wont fell as tired!

Well done and keep going!


27-05-10, 21:59
Try not to questoin yourself too much. If you say to yourself 'why is this happening to me, it shouldnt be happening to me'... then all you do is self-criticise and then that makes the anxiety worse.

Just accept that its happening and it will drift away

Kerry B
27-05-10, 22:02
Hi Maggie

Glad to hear you have had a good day, well done.

can you give me some advise how do you control your panics/Anxiety attacks

Much appreciated x

Vanilla Sky
27-05-10, 22:19
It's blummin hard work keeping anxiety at bay ! Thats all it is marg , don't worry. Well done for getting through the day successfully , Many more to come I'm sure :D
Paige xx

27-05-10, 23:21
That would be great to get some ideas on how you control them when you're out.

28-05-10, 00:04
Post removed by author

Going home
28-05-10, 00:40
Yes, its because you've been concentrating on not being anxious and its exhausted you. But well done for sticking it out in town, that's an achievement. Don't think about how you felt when you got home as a failure, just that your body was doing what it should be doing under the circumstances. keep going margaret you're doing great :D

Anna xxx

margaret jones
28-05-10, 09:35
Thanks so much for your replys common sense tells me that i should try and forget the anxiety that happened when i got home i will try again and not expect the after effects.

Contolling my panic was achieved by asking friends in chat for advice Take bottle water to sip (i added some rescue drops to it ) practise slow breathing, distraction ,few sprays rescue remedy , also best of all i took my dear niece with me and she is very understanding and gives me confidence , and never trys to push me to far . Thanks Maggie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx