View Full Version : First time treatment. Sexual Dysfunction and Citalopram.

27-05-10, 17:22
Greetings to you all.

I'm going to give a quick background on my current situation before asking my questions. I've been aware of my problem with depression for 6 years. Its first manifestation was when I was 16, it resulted in a complete mental breakdown and my subsequent withdrawal from school.

People, including my parents believe my problems may have roots further back in my childhood, and as it stands I'm still analyzing my early years to determine whether or not this may be true.

It has been a pretty hard on and off struggle and throughout it all I took a stance not to take anything to treat myself and to try and break free of my depression without medication.

Well, it's time for me to admit defeat once more, and after my last project fell through and I relapsed very hard and came very close to the brink, I've decided I have nothing left to lose by trying medication. A month and a half on from that decision I've been prescribed Citalopram. A 10mg dose for 7 days followed by a 20mg dose.

Unfortunately the timing could not be much worse having just fallen totally head over heels for this girl and her for me, the sexual dysfunction side effects are something of a worry. The relationship is very new, and we're yet to have sex as we're so far apart, but quite frankly we're climbing the walls to be with each other. The side effects have thrown up a bit of a barrier for me though as I really don't want our first time to end up in an appearance by Captain Floppy.

So I'd like to hear from you guys how severe, common and problematic these specific side effects can be and how/if you managed to overcome them.

Many thank in advance.


PS. Yes she is aware of my depression, she knows I'm about to start medication for the first time, no she is not aware of the possible side effects as I've only just started researching them myself before i start my course tomorrow.

28-05-10, 10:47

Well i'm not a bloke but from what i've read here it is a commom problem with this kind of medication. Me personaly i have problems to climax on Citalopram but it doesn't affect the actual performance unlike it would yours as a bloke. Hope some male users on this forum can shed some light on this for you.

Good luck with all!


28-05-10, 19:34
If you look on the tablet pack you'll see the word Bromide, that's the little devil I'm afraid. But you can put it to your advantage, love making does last longer so you can use the time to get to know each other better. And that is no bad thing.

28-05-10, 20:47
I may have misread the original post, but it sounds like you haven't started taking the Citalopram yet, and are worried about side-effects that may or may not even affect you. Give it a go first; the sexual side-effects may not present in your case. It affects everyone differently.

My experience is not anything to do with erectile dysfunction, but rather a longer time in reaching orgasm (like oneofus said, too) which can be a plus for you and your girlfriend.

I suspect when the symptoms of depression start to lift you may not even worry about this as you start feeling better, and more confident. And the side-effects will also diminish over time.

And, I hate to say it, but sex isn't everything in a loving relationship. Be totally honest with your new girlfriend about how you are feeling, and about any side-effects that come up. I have no doubt she will be very supportive.

Good luck.

28-05-10, 20:55
Take a ginko biloba suplement. Many psychiatrists actually advise this to help with the sexual side effects ;)