View Full Version : 'Hi' from a newbie from Kent!

eight days a week
27-05-10, 18:19
Hi guys, a new member here from Kent, nice to meet you all :)

I'm not sure people normally write as much as this, but here's me...

I've always suffered from anxiety and a touch of OCD, I've also tended towards depression at times, so I was very grateful to find this site, which has some great information and tips, recommended by my Occupational Therapist.

I really look forward to putting some of it into practice, especially the natural remedies and I'm hoping to try Reiki, as I'm absolutely sick of where I am right now!

I became clinically depressed and my anxiety developed into full-blown Panic Disorder a few years ago, when I'd given up work to look after and help two desperately sick parents (one of whom sadly passed away three years ago). I used (too much!) alcohol to deal with the stress and sadness.

The anxiety and depression came and went, until the autumn of '08, when my then-girlfriend caused me an incredibly traumatic series of events. Daily panic attacks and no support from my GPs led me to drink horrendous amounts, and I got myself into all sorts of trouble with that...

I've tried ADs in the past but suffered such terrible side effects that my doctors agree they don't suit me. Unfortunately I've been stuck on diazepam for about seven months now, which I've been trying to come off, but the last few weeks have been unbearable so my use has gone up again...

Hopefully some of the natural remedies on here will help me in a more healthy way to deal with my crippling anxiety. I'm also waiting for CBT which I'm really hopeful about.

Depression's not a problem right now, and I've dealt with my drinking problem through medication (so might be able to advise others about that?) and am now able to drink pretty normally, though still a bit more than I'd like.

Well, that's my fascinating story, haha!

I'd like to thank the people who kindly created this site, and again, very nice to meet you all here, and I look forward to reading a lot of the topics :)

27-05-10, 18:20
Hi eight days a week

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

27-05-10, 18:34
Hi there and welcome to the site. Interesting to read your thread and I'm sorry to hear about what you've been through especially losing one of your parents. It sounds like you've been through alot in the last few years so you've done so well in reducing your alcohol intake and pleased for you that your depression is under control at the moment. I was particularly interested to note that you have been using Diazepam for a few months. I have been on Prozac for a couple of months now, along side Diazepam on an "as and when" basis. I have found the Prozac to have been little use this time and it's the Diazepam that I have favoured. The only thing is, I understand that these are only for short term use. Far from making me feel "Spaced Out" I find the diazepam makes me feel more alert and more like myself and if anything it's the Prozac that is not great, in fact, I'm looking to change that I think, anyway welcome again, sorry for going on, and hope you get all you are looking for from this site xx

eight days a week
27-05-10, 19:00
Thanks so much for the warm welcome guys, it's really appreciated :)

Temenos, you didn't go on at all (that's my talent I think!) Thanks for a fascinating reply. Diazepam really works for me too, but you're right it should only be taken daily for a short time except in extreme circumstances, it's really addictive after just a few weeks, and very hard to get off. Unfortunately when I was having trouble with my ex (such a traumatic story it'd make a good book or film if I could bear to recall any of it!) the GP I saw wouldn't prescribe more than one lot, so I was pushed to drink...then I got into such a mess with that...afterwards a different GP put me on daily diazepam, on the basis that it's 'better than drinking', which I suppose is true.

Interestingly diazepam and drink in part both work on the same part of the brain - GABA.

That's why it's been really fascinating finding this site - there's lots of info about the natural alternatives to diazepam - lycine, B vitamins, L-theanine and whatnot. I haven't come across anything about valerian yet but I'm sure it may well be on here.

I have a great book by Patrick Holford called 'How to Quit Without Feeling S**t' (yep, the asterisks are actually in the title!) It details a supplementation plan to get off benzos, alcohol, smoking, even anti-depressants if you want, by replacing them with natural stuff. It has a load of info about the exact same kind of things, so I guess I'd better get back to that and try to get off the diazepam!

27-05-10, 21:28
Hi and welcome to NMP....you will make lots of new friends on here and chat to people who understand what you are going through.

Sorry you have had a rough time of it, hope you feel better soon. I found when I was really going through it just logging on here really helped.

Take care.

28-05-10, 08:28
Welcome! Hope this site helps - it has done wonders for me

I'm from Kent too :)

28-05-10, 15:57
Hi there,

just a quick note to welcome you and say I too an a total newbie and also from Kent!

I feel better just having found this site, and I'm sure you will too. Being able to chew the fat with like-minded individuals is highly therapeutic. I, for one, no longer feel so isolated.

Again, welcome!

28-05-10, 16:58
Hiya newbie, from another newbie :) (Im not from Kent!)

07-01-12, 15:02
Hello from a newbie from Liverpool. Isn't good to meet like-minded people:D I am a 55 year old female from Liverpool. I have suffered panic attacks, health phobias, depression (you name it) since my teens:weep: I must say I did have brief periods when my fear went away:D or I could at least rationalise with them. But they are back full blown:mad: I self medicated with alcohol for a while:blush: but decided that wasn't the answer.
Well, i'm very new here and still trying to navigate this site (i have a very short attention span) my mind is always somewhere else worrying about something or other.
Hope you have a serene weekend !

05-03-17, 13:31
Hi I'm also newbie from Belfast. 58 yrs. I was put on diazopam at age 14! Didn't come off them till I was 35!! In those days docs just handed them out. All I can say is decrease really slowly and don't worry how long it takes. Better than forcing to stop too fast and then you going back.
All that said.,.. I am now struggling with starting antidepressants .. sertraline.!