View Full Version : Swapping directly over to Prozac?

27-05-10, 19:41
I saw my GP yesterday and she has advised that I reduce my 50mg's of Citalopram over 1 week and then swap over to Prozac-she reckons that you don't want to do it too slowly of you'll hit rock bottom again....but to me this drop sounds pretty fast-so far I have gone from 50mg's last Fri to 40mg's for 4 days and today had a dose of 30mg's-not felt any side effects yet which I guess is a good thing-as I was expecting the worse.
Has anyone else reduced really fast?

27-05-10, 20:09
Does sound a little fast but go with how you feel: if you can handle it then carry on reducing as you are. I was told to wait a few days after you've tapered one med before you start the next so you give it a chance to leave your system but go with your GPs advice for now and go back if you have any problems.

Everyone's different so you may experience no withdrawals at all. I wasn't so lucky and had to really reduce slowly over a few months.

27-05-10, 21:12

I agree with Meloncholia, if you feel o.k. go with it. Both drugs are srri's so the transition shouldn't be too bad. I have switched in the past from prozac to diothepin then to citalopram with hardly any problems, the only time I had withdrawal probs was when trying to come off the citalopram and then I had the zaps that are a common withdrawal effect. I then went on mirtazipine a different type of AD that may be why I suffered so much.

Good luck with it all...let us know how you get on.

28-05-10, 21:04
Is he giving you the Prozac to aid in complete withdrawal? GP's often do this due to it's long half life and. It's common for some to give 1 tablet and abruptly stop the other SSRI. Sounds bonkers but apparently can be a relatively easy method.