View Full Version : White bits in stools... anything to worry about?...feeling scared again

27-05-10, 20:30
When I went to the loo today I saw some small white flecks in my stools, this is the first time I have noticed this but Im worried whether it could mean anything bad??? Has anyone else ever had this, or know what it means or think it could be anything serious?? panicing again! I havent ate anything unusual that I can think of. The stools are kind of a lightish clay like colour (almost kind of orangeish and it seemed quite sticky when I wiped, gross I know sorry too much info), ive read that the white in the stool and the orangey colour could even indicate liver disease or some kind of liver or pancreatic cancer? feel like crying, supposed to be going away at weekend and dont want to spend it worrying I have something serious! Reassurance appreciated!

27-05-10, 20:48
sounds like ,small bits of calcium deposit nothing to worry about,it happes now and then

27-05-10, 21:45
I really hope its just something innocent enough like that, yeah! :-s

27-05-10, 22:23
Sounds like it could be mucus hun! x

27-05-10, 22:44
If it is mucous would this be normal? or something to worry about?

28-05-10, 10:10
Just cant stop reading of all the bad causes of white in stools, and also reading what the orangeish colour might mean, suppose would have to wait to see how many more times it happened before going to a doc though, but scary in the meantime that something bad is going on inside of me :-( (sitting at work all alone in my office very scared lol)

28-05-10, 10:14
first dont google not good to ,,dont worry millions of people get white bits in stools ,, hope the dooctor puts your mind at ease

28-05-10, 10:20
Im not going to go to the docs, dont think you can with it having happened once, thats what I mean by its not going to be a fun wait to see how many times it happens over a few weeks (hoping it doesnt happen again lol).

If it was liver disease like cirrhosis id know more about it than just the colour of stools right?

28-05-10, 12:55
If you're not having any other symptoms, then I wouldn't worry about it.

sarah jayne
28-05-10, 14:11
Ive had that when ive had i bad tummy and its never harmed me ;)

28-05-10, 16:32
If its mucus, could be a sign of IBS.. Or some inflammation of the bowel. Iv had this before. Id go to the doctors hun. xx

28-05-10, 17:11
ive had that recently too so im just keeping an eye on it rather than going to the donctor. Its funny, my worry was more along the lines of worms as i have a cat :P

28-05-10, 19:01
Thx for the replies!

Hmm just trying to tell myself is nothing to worry about! Sighs, always have stupid worries when on holiday or its a bank hol! So can mucous in the stool be completely normal, it did look kind of stringy coating (only quite a small bit in one or two places towards the end).

29-05-10, 13:07
that sounds normal to me.

29-05-10, 13:18
Believe me, liver disease causes stools like nothing on earth!

30-05-10, 00:03
Mucus in the stools can be normal sweet. Just so long as theres not alot of it. The doctor told me that its normal to have and notice mucus in the stools every once in a blue moon. And thats classed as being ok. But i have had alot of it. So have to have a colonoscopy ( Camera up my bum ).. The consultant told me that he wants to do more for peace of mind. He said worst case could be inflammation of the bowel. He said having mucus in the stools is caused through inflammation hun. But if your not sure if its mucus then go to the docs. xxx

30-05-10, 13:41
I really dont want to see doc again if it sounds like nothing, as have been a couple of times this year with things that they have dismissed as nothing and just started at me for even asking about.

So some white mucus can be normal, it happened again today, were not talking alot just some white looking stringy stuff on the very ends (so sounds like mucus right?). Is this amount normal usually? It couldnt be a sign of cancer could it??

30-05-10, 15:09
Supposed to be going out 2nite but not sure if can face going am feeling so worried it might not be normal :-(

30-05-10, 19:12
If you have had it again then yes go and see your doctor. Many things can be signs of cancer but it doesnt mean thats what it is. Cancer is very unlikely hun. Mucus is normally a sign of inflammatory bowel disese. Thats why i have to have this camera. Because iv had it more than one occation x

04-06-10, 20:42
I noticed what looked like mucous (a small amount) on the end of the stool today, but didnt have it the last couple of times..... Its not anything to worry about is it??? Really dont want to visit docs again, and I think this wouldnt be anything so dont want more strange looks.... reassurance? Not sure if its a good or bad thing this is my only symptom,

05-06-10, 11:00
I didnt seriously think that mucus could be a sign of cancer so now im freaking out when ive trawled the internet to find it as a symptom..... :-( Sucha nice sunny day too have such worries...... Im just praying it could actually be completely normal, I have read some mucus can be normal, but how much is normal!

05-06-10, 16:10
depends what we eat I guess. a person I know went to A and E because she saw red bits and it turned out to be tiny bits of undigested red pepper. Our digestion is a strange thing. If you have no other symptoms, my guess is it would connect to whatever you ate