View Full Version : Bad day

06-02-06, 19:02
Hi all.I need to write down my feelings.I'm having a bad day.I feel sort of dreamy as if i'm looking in from outside.I feel as if things are happening around me and i'm not there.Does that make sense? I just don't feel right.I'm low in mood anyway today.Feel down in the dumps and can't seem to pull myself out of it.I have no energy to do anything.Feel as if life is passing me by and going along without me.I don't seem to have anything that will cheer me up at the moment.I'm feeling anxious too and i don't know why.Thanks for letting me rant!!

06-02-06, 19:21

Feel free to rant all you want to.

I used to have days like that too. Just felt that I was looking down on someone else living my life and I wasn't really there.

I used to have to have things to look forward to or I saw no purpose in life. Have you got any hobbies you can do or can you plan a lovely outing somewhere for the weekend?

Sometimes a good movie helped - one of those feel good movies that make you all warm inside.

Don't forget that some women feel more down at that time of the month as well.

Hope things pick up for you soon.


06-02-06, 19:45
Hi Princess

Sorry to hear you are down today, just look for a nice positive thing or feeling that you can latch on to then expand it to include other things. Hopefully your mood will get better with the thoughts. Hope you feel better soon


06-02-06, 19:54
Thanks to you both.It means alot when i get support here.

Sue K with 5
07-02-06, 02:02
Hi ya

Its good you use the sight to express how your feeling, this is a really positive move for you.

You know where I am as I said earlier today so feel free to rant with me anytime

Speak soon



07-02-06, 12:14

When I used to feel like this I always found that my kids helped to cheer me up, nothing like a hug from them to lift your spirits.

Stay positive.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'