View Full Version : Feel faint when I stand up, what is it?

27-05-10, 23:02
when I stand up to wak across the room, i feel very faint, I get an instant head ache, my eyes black out, and my legs go jelly. It sometimes only takes aminute to clear and then I carry on, but sometimes i have to sit back down again .
It is worse in the mornings, but lunch time I can get up and be ok but I get up very slowly.

I have raynauds and wonder if it has anythign to do with that. as all the blood pools in myf eet when I stand up its quite painful.

I'm rterrified its heart related as I have had rushing heart beat and breathlessness with it also.

I'm scared to do anything like go for a walk in case it happens worse.

27-05-10, 23:04
Are you sure your blood pressure isn't dropping too low?

27-05-10, 23:07
I wondered about that too. how do you keep it up. When ever I get it tested at the docs its fine, but I"m always a little tense when I there.
the only thing I've been told is too drink more water.
any other advice

27-05-10, 23:15
Yes drinking water will elevate the blood pressure.

Also get up very slowly and don't just stand up

28-05-10, 01:30
Sounds like very low blood pressure. My friend had this when she was pregnant. Blacking out alot with it too, like you. U need to go and get ur bp checked at your GP's. Good luck x

28-05-10, 02:27
I get this when my blood pressure is low especially during summer. Someone did tell me that dried apricots help. Not sure if this is true. Just make sure you get up very slowly.

28-05-10, 08:06
Hello....I suffer low blood pressure and have the same dizzy spell when I get up,yes you should drink more water and try to get up slowly.Take care
Rhonda x:D

29-05-10, 10:15
I get this on and off too. I was told i have a mild postural hypotension, which basically means that my blood pressure drops slightly when getting up. It isn't serious and is quite common. Just get up gradually in steps if it upsets you :)

29-05-10, 11:39
I get this from time to time too. Nothing seems to stop it happening you just have to go steady whilst u r suffering. I am always worse first thing in the morning and boy my head can throb when I am having an attack. GP said it is common and to go steady and rest. Take care xx

30-05-10, 00:20
thanks for the posts its at least a little reassureing that others are having it too. Stacy my head really hurts when it happens too.

31-05-10, 06:38

I have really low blood pressure. The best way to make it higher is through exercise. Just start slowly exercising and it will strengthen your heart muscles and increase your blood pressure slowly. This is what my doctor has advised me to do. It's also important not to jump up from a sitting or lying position too quickly just because it really makes you feel horrible. My BP has been higher at the doctors recently, but that's only been since my anxiety so she thinks that the increase in it is because I'm generally anxious now when I go to visit her and she checks it.

31-05-10, 15:54
postural hypotension. a brief but significant fall in blood pressure.