View Full Version : anxiety and "stabbing sensations" in the heart/chest

28-05-10, 06:25
Just a sensation I have trouble finding information about. I try not to be too worried about all the sensations I experience, but it's hard to ignore ones that feel so serious.

Occasionally I'll get the sensation like someone just stabbed my heart with a hypodermic needle. The sensation only lasts about a second, but it's followed by dizziness and sweating. I know it must be anxiety, I've had test after test come back negative. Just curious if anyone else is out there with similar sensations. Also just to point out, it feels much different than a heart flutter. It's a pain that involves the whole body, not just my heart skipping a beat... It could be related, but it's hard to tell.

28-05-10, 06:39
Can you feel a rush of adrenaline when it happens?

28-05-10, 08:01
Yes! There is a definite adrenaline rush right when it happens... So is it right to assume it's pretty common among anxiety sufferers and not dangerous? If that's the case I'll try to stop worrying about it.

28-05-10, 08:39
Just curious if you know what it means... is it just related to ectopic beats? The fact that it only lasts a second would suggest that, even though it doesn't quite feel the same.