View Full Version : Desicion Time

jaded jean
28-05-10, 08:48
Hello all.
Today is the big day, I have an appointment with my doctor and we will decide if I am ready to return to work. Of course I am bricking it As I feel that I will have another big panic attack or get hysterical. Any ideas please anyone. Its been 7 months now and I want to go back but as we all know if we are not in a comfortable zone it all kicks off. And I keep thinking that if my team leader sees me like that, that will be it.
Any ideas and suggestions welcome.:shrug:

28-05-10, 10:07
Hello all.
Today is the big day, I have an appointment with my doctor and we will decide if I am ready to return to work. Of course I am bricking it As I feel that I will have another big panic attack or get hysterical. Any ideas please anyone. Its been 7 months now and I want to go back but as we all know if we are not in a comfortable zone it all kicks off. And I keep thinking that if my team leader sees me like that, that will be it.
Any ideas and suggestions welcome.:shrug:
:hugs:hi jaded jean,the what ifs can be scarey,buts thats all they are love,if you feel ready to go back to work,and only you know that,then go for it.im sure your team leader will realise its a little nerve racking you coming back after time off,dont be to hard on yourself your as good as anyone else and you can do it.what ever your decision hun hope youll be ok,chin up.ellen.xxx,ps,let us know how you get on.

jaded jean
28-05-10, 10:18
Thanks Ellen.
I am so pooing myself,
The being hard on yourself is typical, because you want to be seen as the same capable person as the next one who does not have any anxiety.depression problems.And I think thats my problem. I want to get right back into it and no repercussions like having a hissy fit or similar. Time will tell. Or my doctor. he may evensay I am not ready yet. I think my cit dose could need upping so that would curb the the anxiety a bit more.
Thanks again for your kind words:) Jeanxx

28-05-10, 10:47
hi hun,i so know the pooo,fellings,:scared15:the day i went for my new job i had a bad panic attack that morning, and one when i was sat having my tea break,but in time and being amongst pepole helped to curb them,i suffer from p/a,anxiety depresion ocd,have done for almost 30yrs,its a hard battle isnt it?,as you say your doc will help decide what is best, and i to think upping your med will help just till you feel stronger,good luck hun.ellen.xxx

jaded jean
28-05-10, 11:08
cheers Ellen
:yesyes: Jean

28-05-10, 11:17
I think the longer you leave it the more you will dwell on it and work yourself up about getting back to work. I'm the same at the moment, the idea of committing myself to things had me shaking last week but I'm getting back into things this week and it's helping to make me see that I can handle situations, even when they feel like they've been dropped on me somewhat.

Today I have to help another volunteer at the community radio station cover for one of the regular presenters who is off looking after his son, who is having an operation, so we got the job of running his little show from 1pm to 3pm. If I'd been on my own I couldn't have done that, but Stewart, the other volunteer has some experience so I'll be more comfortable with him in the studio and it might be a bit of fun.

Try and have a relaxing weekend either way it goes Jean :)

jaded jean
28-05-10, 15:38
hi Raindog.
Always supportive thankyou. I will post and let you know how I get on .
Have a good one yourself.
:noangel: JEAN X

jaded jean
28-05-10, 17:26
Hi all.
Have just come back from the doctors.
He is pleased with my progress, and.. I have to get the report from the Occupational Therapist and then I can get started on my return to work, this is on the proviso that the OT gives a recommendaton of being phased in. so fingers crossed!:D

28-05-10, 17:26
I suggest a bribe of cake, works every time

28-05-10, 17:30
Hope it goes well for you. I start back to work (I have a panic disorder) next week and I have to say I am very nervous/panicky about it. I am in a management position and it is very stressful. I will be going back part-time to start for a couple of weeks, then full time.