View Full Version : What do you all do to stop worrying?

Natalie x
28-05-10, 10:15

Just looking for some suggestions from people of what you all do when you feel a worry coming on? Any slight pain or ailment I have, I immediately panic about it and dwell on it which makes me unhappy. Does anyone else ever feel like this and what do you do to take your mind off it? Or even if you have a phrase or anythign that you say to yourself?


28-05-10, 10:31
I've started having a cup of camomile tea if I'm feeling like I can't relax too well, you can get the tea bags from any shop where they have a good selection of teas, generally the bigger stores. It's caffiene free and quite nice and does help me feel a bit more calm so give it a try.

I also find having a banana helps a bit too, they're good for you and give you B Vitamins which help with anxiety.

minnie h
28-05-10, 10:35
i do lots ov housework.also i watch my fav dvd wen im feelin bad x

28-05-10, 11:33
i listen to music ,,or play odd games on this site takes my mind off if having bad day xx

28-05-10, 13:11
anything to take your mind off whats bothering you

I listen to music, play xbox 360, housework etc ...

good luck!

28-05-10, 13:16
I have that problem as well. I try to distract myself by a walk in the garden, put pc on or play with the dog but even so its so difficult to stop the thoughts.

28-05-10, 14:02
I know all too well how this feels. Distraction does really work but it's trying to get into the habbit of thinking differently. I call it' the cloud' the feeling that you have. Realising you HAVE to do something is the biggest step to breaking your thinking and mood... i think.

It's is about distracting yourself but also letting your thoughts come, take note of them and GO. I like to think of it as finidng a way to push the toilet button to let all the crap flush away. I do this several times a day by calling myself a paranoid idiot - i tend to be brought back down to earth by looking around at people. Look at all the people on my office floor, they all have worries, concerns, pains, aches - but most of them are laughing and chatting....

I find classical music (not sad classical) helps. Talk a walk with nature, even if it's in your garden - look at the birds, trees, make shapes out of the clouds! The more we stop thinking about ourselves in an ultra analytical way, the better.

But if you really want to break the loop, people are the key. Be around them.. the ones you like anyway :)

I hope you and others feel better soon :)

Much love xxx

28-05-10, 16:20
Hmm for me I sometimes like to watch a movie that I've seen before and like, or listen to music that I've heard before. I say movies you already seen because they are are more familiar I guess. Just try and focus on the movie, and the upcoming scenes, the dialogue etc. It doesn't work all the time, but it can sometimes calm me down.