View Full Version : Need some cheering up please

28-05-10, 10:44
Hello all,
I have been on citalopram for seven weeks now. I was on 10mg for five weeks and 20mg for the last two. I have had awful side effects but have just gritted my teeth in the hope that things would get better.
I'm not really feeling anything except a tad calmer but with this has come a lack of enthusiasm.
I was wondering whether this drug isn't for me or whether perhaps it is too small a dose and I need to try 30mg? Or perhaps the positive effect of 20mg hasn't started working yet?

I am so desperate for this to work as I have been so depressed and ill for over 15 years now and have a small child to look after.

So sorry to be such a grump. Don't let this post put anyone off the drug. I usually have disappointing results with treatments.

I so want to get well as I could have a truly lovely life. I have tried other antidepressants and I haven't got through the side effect stage so feel pleased that I have got this far just sad that I'm not feeling better.

Thankyou for any replies. It is so very much appreciated.

Lu x

28-05-10, 10:55
Welcome to the forum, and don't worry about venting when you feel frustrated and worried about things, that's kind of what this forum is about really. You might find it worth your while having a read of PsychoPoet's Citralopram Survival Guide that is stickied at the top of the Cit forum section, it's a good read and written from direct experience.

He mentions that finding the right dose is important, you may be like him and get by on 20mg but feel much better when you increase the dosage to 30mg like he did. At least you've made it through the worst of it, through the side effects, so it could be simply a case of talking to your GP and seeing if he thinks a higher dosage would work.

Some people take longer for the Cit to really take effect, I'm sure there are some here who went longer before feeling the full effect while others took less. I'm only on my 2nd week and I've gotten through the first rough week with increased anxiety and I think I'm around where you are now, feeling calmer and more able to cope with the longer term effects.

Keep us posted on how things go. Better days.

28-05-10, 19:39
Hi Lu,

Firstly just wanted to say you wont always feel like this...you can be treated and one day you will feel better.

I think you need to give the 20mg dose a bit longer to kick in...it can take some time, but try and stick it out and see how you go. If you still dont see much of an improvement after a couple more weeks then perhaps make and appointment and have a chat with your GP....then he/she can advise wether you need a dose increase.

I do hope you feel better soon hun and am sending you a big hug.:hugs:

Take care.

28-05-10, 20:57
You don't need to worry about "being a grump" in this forum. There's no judgement here, and your feelings are valid.

I agree with Jo, about giving the 20mg dose a bit longer to work its magic. With each dose increase, it's like starting again, in that you have to give it 4-6 weeks (or longer) to start feeling the good effects of the drug every time you step up. With a 20mg dose you should start to feel at least some relief, and see a faint light at the end of the tunnel, at the end of two months. If not, then an increase to 30mg may be necessary, or a new medication altogether. It can take a while to find the right medication that works for you. But don't lose hope, and keep your doctor apprised of the situation.

02-06-10, 19:31
Thankyou so much for your replies. They are very much appreciated and it has helped me through a dark time. I am happy to say things seem to be picking up somewhat. I'm going to give it a few more weeks and then hopefully post a success story.
Thankyou for being kind enough to reply.

02-06-10, 20:03
Hi Lu

I'm a first time user of Citalopram, first time user of any med actually and have been on it for about 2 months.

I have had anxiety difficulties and agoraphoba for many years (about 25) but have always fought against it as I had a young family and was also working 2 jobs.

Early this year I had a bout of suicidal depression and ended up at the doctors (a nightmare for me!) and he suggested I try Citalopram 20mgs.

One of the benefits of using this forum was that I wasn't expecting an overnight miracle cure, I knew there may be side effects and also knew that I had to try and help myself tackle the way I felt and work alongside the meds.

The first thing I noticed was that slight calmness..it may not seem much but i grabbed at it. After having racing tortuous thoughts for weeks without a minutes peace the calm was a relief.

The lack of motivation is nothing to be scared of..your mind is having a rest that's all! We expect so much of ourselves that we have forgotten how to just "be"..letting the thoughts just flow without being scared of what will happen next.

I have achieved more since I have been taking medication than I had for years without it primarily because my mind needed time to rest and plan what i wanted to do.

I am doing what I wanted to do.:) I have realised that I am by my very nature a highly strung person but now it doesn't seem to matter so much.

Give yourself a chance to rest, prioritise whats important to you and work on that, let the Citalopram have a chance to help you along.
That's all it's doing, nothing more, nothing less. Go with the flow :)

Take care :flowers: