View Full Version : Hi I'm Kate and this is my story...

28-05-10, 15:13
I have never suffered from Panic Attacks up until about five weeks ago. My first one was at lunch time at work. I had finished eating my jacket potato and was sat in the kitchen reading when suddenly i went very hot and very faint. I got up and went through to my office and put the air con on hoping it would cool me down and stop the faint feeling. After a few minutes the feeling went and i carried on about my day. The next day i got ready for work and left the house to meet my work colleague for a lift. Whilst waiting for the lift i got the same feeling again. I got into the car wound down the window and my colleague started chatting to me. The feeling disappeared!

I decided i had better go to the doctor to see what was wrong with me. I walked to the Doc's surgery and had to sit in the waiting room where i felt panicky. The Doc called me in and again in her room i started to get the hot and faint feeling. I told her i had the feeling there and then and she told me i had Vertigo!! She gave me some medication and away i went. I told my family and friends i had Vertigo and nobody believed it, they said my symptoms were all wrong!

A week passed, i occassionally got the same feelings so thought i needed a second opinion. I rebooked at the Doc's surgery and walked to there from work. When i got there i couldnt face sitting in the same room as all the other people waiting so i stood outside until i was called. I explained my problem to the Doc and she told me i was having Panic Attacks. I nearly cried with the shock. I dont think i really wanted to admit that i was having them; my niece gets them and i have always been strong minded and willed so NO WAY thought that i would have them. She told me she would do some blood tests just to rule everything else out. I had to re-book for the blood appointment.

I re-booked and the day came. I went to the surgery but had felt better for the past few days so i told the nurse i didnt want the blood tests done. She just said ok and i left.

I went to my friends house on a Friday night not so many weeks ago and had a bad attack then. It lasted a good half hour to forty five minutes. My friend lives a good twenty minutes away from my house and my partner dropped me there and went fishing. Me and my friend had dinner and soon straight after the attack started. I think i got it because i knew i couldnt just up and leave until my partner came to collect me a few hours later. I called him and he came. The attack seemed to subside because i knew he was on his way to get me.

I have had attacks like these a few times since. They seem to be when i am far away from home or when i cant just leave when i want to. I am going out for dinner tomorrow night with a couple of friends and my partner i'm relaly looking forward to the night and am determined not to let this effect the night!

I would love to hear your stories so please respond to my thread!:D

28-05-10, 16:10
i think you should have had blood tests to rule out anything causing these panic attacks,, in saying that panic can hit anyone at any time if your scrol down left sde of page you will see panic you could read it might be helpful

Vanilla Sky
29-05-10, 00:32
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: paige x