View Full Version : Hi to all my old mates and maybe some new ones

28-05-10, 15:20
Hi everyone it's me... no don't remember. I used to use this site but just before last Christmas I went into exile. To remind everyone I am a Social Phobia sufferer and have been since I was 10 (I'm 41 now). My phobia was rather severe and up until 2 years ago I was neither diagnosed or treated for my phobia. When I was last using this website I was making great progress but I was still unemployed after 8 years, still without a girlfriend after well ever! (Or at least 25 years since I've been interested in getting one :D) and only occasionally venturing out of the house. But now after 6 months in exile I am back, so has anything changed... Well I got a job, all be it part time. I'm going on holiday to Cyprus at the end of July. And brace yourself........I got myself a GIRLFRIEND!!! Yes you heard it folks a real life GIRLFRIEND (not one you blow-up! :roflmao:). After 25 years of being alone (thanks to my phobia) I'm am no longer single. And would you believe it she's a blonde bombshell too! :yesyes:

Well it goes to prove you should never give up hope (although I nearly did on many occasions :D). I still suffer from anxiety and Social Phobia but I have a different outlook now that is undermining my phobia. I realize it's OK to be anxious and I probably always will be. But I have lived with it long enough to know it has limitations on how it can effect me. I accept I can't be perfect all the time and I will make mistakes, but that's OK because we all make mistakes. I also have learned that over-analysing my illness and social situations gets me nowhere, it just makes me more anxious. Now I just don't think about what might happen in each social situation I just accept that I am a capable individual and am able to cope even if I do go into panic. It seems to be working because now I seem more able to face my fears and use avoidance far less than I once did. My phobia as governed my life for 30 years, but now I think I've finally got my hands on the reins and I am at last in charge of my own destiny. :yahoo:I still feel I have a long road to walk before I finally overcome all of my socially phobia's but I think it's now obvious that I am on the right road.

So here I am back to talk to my friends again and maybe make a few new ones too! :D

Take care :hugs:


28-05-10, 17:01
Wow, go you! I bet you will have a great time on holiday! Best wishes to you and your girlfriend :D

28-05-10, 17:13
hi nice to see you glad your doing good ,have a great holiday

28-05-10, 19:01
Hi John,
Welcome back :)
I'm so happy for you!!
It sounds like things have turned round and you are doing really well!
Must have taken lots of hard work on your part to come as far as you have!
You should be so proud of yourself!
I'm sure proud of you!!!

28-05-10, 19:13
Hi John

I'm really glad to see that life is good for you now..it's always nice to say welcome back but particularly when things are going well!

Thanks for coming back and letting us know how you're doing :)

Vanilla Sky
29-05-10, 00:31
Welcome back :)
:welcome: Paige x

29-05-10, 02:59
Hi John,
Your story just cheered me right up!
Cling on to what you have with both hands!!!
If you can bottle it I would sure like to buy some.
Happy Hols. Simon.