View Full Version : Do I have this? Is this still around?

28-05-10, 16:47
I've never gotten the swine flu vaccine, and now I have a flu with a lot of diarrhea. Could this be it? Is it still around?

28-05-10, 16:50
I doubt it extinct but everyone seems to have calmed down about it. It's probably just normal flu, that can give you the runs too. your mind is probably jsut making you think its worse than it is.

15-06-10, 13:16
Hi there

Perhaps I can help you out with this one - although I see that you posted a while ago so are probably better now!

My current job involves emergency planning, so we had a lot of work to do with swine flu last year, and are still keeping an eye on this.

There is still some swine flu about, but it's mostly in the Southern Hemisphere now, as it's winter and therefore their "flu season". However! - there really aren't many cases being confirmed and the World Health Organisation have gone very quiet about the whole issue and it's starting to look that the whole thing was overblown.

Thing is, no matter what they did, they would have been wrong - if they hadn't told the world about this virus and millions of people died, they would have been negligent. As it was, it was in the news constantly and people frightened themselves to death about it. Although, there were some people badly affected by it, as there are will all "real" flu viruses.

It's likely that swine flu will eventually get downgraded to seasonal flu, but we have no idea when that is going to be announced.

Hope this is helpful!