View Full Version : beta blocker, propranolol 10mg????!!!??

28-05-10, 17:09
Hello everone, hope you are all well.
Just wondering if anyone could help, I hope a small break through may have been made today, as I saw a GP this afternoon who was so understanding of the way im feeling, and how neverous and worried that I always seen to be. Any way to get to the point he gave me some beta blockers today to help with Anxiety they are called Propranolol 10mg - does any one have these? do they help?

Many Thanks Guys


28-05-10, 17:14
I was just about to ask near enuff the same question I have been fibrin propranolol but mine are 80mg am scared to take them tho I have a bad fear of hart attacks and am worried my hart my go to slow or what the side effects are whats your fellings on them? X

28-05-10, 17:20
I've been on Propanolol and they're ok, they mainly deal with the physical aspects of anxiety, such as reducing the amount of adrenaline flooding your system, in the hopes that this will help reduce the overall effects. They aren't bad but I had to move up to anti depressants since they weren't dealing with the mental part of my anxiety or depression well enough. I have been using them to help reduce my heightened anxiety until the anti-d's begin to fully work though, so it's worth giving them a try for a week or two.

They don't have a lot of side effects from what I understand and are easy to get off as they aren't addictive in any way. I didn't notice much in the way of anything during the week I took them 3 times a day so not much to worry about really.

28-05-10, 17:22
Was your doseage 10mg? Wonderwhy I have 80mg?

28-05-10, 17:22
That is the same is me, I really want to help control this anxiety but really scared that i may have a heart attack or some kind of heart problem, and that my heart rate will drop so much it will stop.

Di xx

28-05-10, 17:30
It's crazy isn't it the doctor tells you to tale the bu you don't how meany times a day do you have to take yours? Mine are 1 a day maybe that's why mine are stronger? I think I am goin to tryhold out an see what CBT does for me insted if I ever get on it ha at least you no ur not the only one goin thru this xx

28-05-10, 17:45
At the moment I have been told to take 1 3x a day, but he did say to come back in 2 weeks to see how im going with a possible increase.

28-05-10, 17:52
So have you took any yet I have made up my mind I just couldn bring me self to take them lol bad whimp xx

28-05-10, 17:56
Same here, i keep picking up the box but cant bring myself to put one in the mouth. But I have decided I will take one tomorrow morning - im going to be strong, now if I can do it im sure you can, and we never know these tablets could really help us.


28-05-10, 17:56
Propanalol never worked for me, just made me jittery. They don't help with anxiety as in stopping it coming and the thoughts etc but they do help if you suffer from panic attacks and have classic hyperventilating etc

28-05-10, 17:57
I have 120 mg per day at the moment. Slight side effects, they can make your hands and feet feel cold, but stop all the weird heart stuff.

28-05-10, 17:58
There is a section of the forum for different meds, here's a link for the Prop forum (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=50) that you might find useful, have a good read through some of the posts. They may help you find what you're looking for.

28-05-10, 17:58
I can cope with cold hands and feet as long as the heart bits stop, thats great.
thanks hon

28-05-10, 18:56
Ok firstly they can't make your heart stop!
I am on all kinds of heart meds as I have an arrythmia, one of those meds being bisoprolol which is exactly like peopanolol just cardio selective.(not as bad for my asthma)
all they so is block the receptors in the heart which react to an adrenaline release, meaning you won't get that pounding heart with panic, as someone said cold hands and feet are pretty much the only side effect, my heart rate is always above 70 resting so not slow.
Please just bite the bullet and take then, you will be so glad u did xx

28-05-10, 19:11
propranalol didnt do much for me, but then i hear they're better for the physical side of anxiety only, and most of mine is mental. In any case 10mg of propranalol is a pretty low dose i think, i took 80mg for a while, did'nt really do much so i jacked them in and went back to the doctor to try something else.

People I'm trying so hard to be sensitive here but this is a bit ridiculous! it takes between 5-9 years to become a doctor and you have to be pretty damned intelligent. Whilst some doctors are very cold and insensitive as a general rule they aren't complete idiots! They are not going to prescribe you a medicine at a dose that will stop your heart! Besides, one doctor told me that beta blockers dont work by slowing your heart down but rather by preventing it from speeding up.

sorry im not trying to be horrible, but my mind just boggles that people are thinking they are going to have a heart attack by taking a medicine that is primarily used in treating heart attack patients. Honestly people, trust your doctors!

28-05-10, 20:45
I thought 120 mg was pretty standard! Depends on the doctor I guess.

Kerry B
28-05-10, 20:51
They totally messed me up I have bad dizzy spells, caused by the side effects and came of them, but every one is different x

29-05-10, 00:30
Was your doseage 10mg? Wonderwhy I have 80mg?

According to my doctor, 80mg of propranolol is still a fairly low dose. After seeing my BP and Heart Rate really high one day he decided to put me on that. I too didn't like the thought of being on 80mg of propranolol, especially since when I'd even take 40 mg I'd feel really sluggish. I've been cutting up my pills so now I only take 20mg of it a day, 10 in the morning and 10 at night. It's a great drug for getting rid of the FULL BLOWN panic attacks where your heart is going crazy and you're hyperventilating and screaming you're about to die. My full blown panic attacks are gone, however the anxiety is still there. Keep in mind your anxiety and your fears will not go away when taking beta blockers, but if a high heart rate and palpitations is something constantly on your mind the drug is of great use.

17-04-18, 14:27
Yes, go for it, these are not long term tranquilisers or mood changers, they just help calm things down nicely and don't present the addiction/detox issues of prolonged use. I use on an ad-hoc basis when I'm feeling jittery or nervous, they do a grand job for me and I hope soon for you too.

17-04-18, 17:26
Always makes me giggle when people respond to a way old thread as if it's just been posted.

This one is eight years old. I would assume the OP has made up their mind about the propranolol, but I could be wrong!