View Full Version : Tension headache problem

28-05-10, 17:13
I've been diagnosed with Chronic Tension Headache

I've lived with this for a year n 2 months. Since the time i took citalopram and propolonal which i must had a bad reaction to them. Everyday the pain is in my head from morning to night.
It feels painful and tight as though someone is pushing my head on one side. I feel tingling all around my head and feels heavy. I have been going for reflexology and even she notices there is an inbalance to my head (whatever that means) and a sore left side of my neck and my shoulder muscle is also sore.
I can not live like this for another year, I can not concentrate and my mood changes rapidly and im sick of it.

Is there anyone in the same boat, is there anything i can do to help it, will it never go?

28-05-10, 17:18
Hi hon, I have never suffered myself but I have a friend that really suffers from head aches she was taking all kinds of goodies from the gp which never really worked. Then a year ago for her birthday I brought her a couple of head, neck and back massage and she started to notice a small improvement, she started having the messages on a weekly bases and her head aches seem to have stop.
I hope this helps you hon.

Diane xxxxxxx

sarah jayne
29-05-10, 09:42
Hi, i tried citalopram in august and had a constant headache for 7 months after. It was awful, i thought i was dying. I was only on citalopram for 2 weeks but they have done something to me. I still have daily headaches but they are not as bad as they were. I never had headaches before trying citalopram so im convinced it those, its too much of a coincidence that my headache started half an hour after my first tablet.... Hope you feel better soon. The only thing that helps my headaches is rubbing tiger balm onto my temples, painkillers dont touch it.
Sarah x

29-05-10, 15:13
Thanks for your reply. So many months I thought I was the only one till now over a year later. just To find some answers!!
Well my head pain is pretty much ever lasting, it doesnt go. Not only my temples are sore it's around the back of my head.
Ive used the 4head roll on and tiger balm, also cooling strips, warm and cold face cloths. I also use relaxation CD's and I'm going for therapy. The only thing to ignore it is going for a jog or taking my mind of the pain. But it doesnt cure it. it's always there.
I'm soon 23 and it seems my life is over already, really If this stays for another year, I don't want to be here anymore.

29-05-10, 16:33
hi lisa 1987 i have had chronic tension headaches last year and understand it is tiring but dont say you dont want to be here anymore the depression only makes headaches worse.

also i have noticed that you said that the headaches may be due to a bad reaction of the drugs you were on this is highly highly unlikely because if you have stopped they would be well out of your system.

have you seen a neurologist about the headaches because believe it or not chronic headaches are common and medication can be prescribed to prevent them.

29-05-10, 18:51

I used to get what mr GP said were tension headaches every single day for a couple of years. I also used to drink fizzy drinks everyday. One week I didn't drink them at all, and I had no headache. Through a process of food/drink elimination I discovered that artificial sweeteners were causing my headaches. Apparently they are well known for it - esp. aspartame (which was in the drink I was drinking). It may not be the case for you, but I thought I would mention it.
