View Full Version : Tinnitus

28-05-10, 18:12
Sitting at work today, I spontaneously developed loud tinnitus in my right ear only. I have not being listening to loud music or wearing earphones, and I've never had this before.

A quick web search suggests that Cit can cause tinnitus in less than 1% of users.

I had forgotten to take my 20mg on Thursday morning, so took it at about 6pm. I took my Friday morning does as usual. So, I wonder, is this ringing my right ear caused by the Cit? Maybe taking two doses within about 12 hours of each other was the problem. Funny that it is in one ear only!

Hoping this will go away soon - it is too damn loud. I'm hoping it's an ear infection instead - now how strange is that?

Veronica H
29-05-10, 10:48
I have had these kind of disturbances on and off since I was diagnosed with panic anxiety. I think it is caused by sensitised nerves. Have you tried tuning out? If this persists get the Doc to take a look though, as it is common to be more run down and prone to infections when we are anxious.:hugs:


30-05-10, 13:13
Well, the ringing has stopped. It didn't prevent me from getting to sleep and it was gone the next day. Probably unrelated to the Citalopram - but can't really imagine what.

Don't think it could have been related to anxiety, because the drug works for me and I've been feeling pretty mellow.

Anyway, hopefully it won't come back!