View Full Version : Weird Head Symptoms - Brain Tumour??

28-05-10, 21:05

for the past few days i havnt been feeling to good. some of my symptoms have been: -

aches around eyes
aches down nose and cheeks
head feeling tense
pressure in head
dizziness sometimes
nose feeling congested even though i dont hav a cold

I'm incredibly anxious about it all which i suppose isn't helping. any advice? could it be nothing? could it be a brain tumour?

please reply
love Louise XXXX

28-05-10, 21:50
Hi Louise,
It sounds a little like a sinus problem, have you tried any sudafed??? they can help.
loads of love Diane xxx

28-05-10, 21:52
yes, I get most of those symptoms with sinus/nasal congestion

28-05-10, 22:00
It sounds quite sinusey. Try inhaling some steam and taking some decongestants?

29-05-10, 13:50
hi again

today i woke up with a bad headache which on one side of my forehead and i still have pains around eyes and down nose/cheeks.

now im all panicky.

could it still be sinuses?

im so scared.

please reply

love louise xxx

29-05-10, 16:06
Sounds like it. When my sinuses are playing up I always wake up with headaches/pain in my face. When you're lying down the pressure on your sinuses is increased. If it doesn't clear up, maybe see the doctor, they can give you a steroid nasal spray for short-term use, clears everything out.

29-05-10, 17:12
could be migraines but dont stress its nothing serious. If you had a brain tumour you would be saying i know there is something going wrong and go straight to a and e. it would be obvious.

take care

30-05-10, 16:07
Hi Louise, please don't feel anxious, I have the same as you; all the same symptoms and I don't have a cold either. I feel as though my head will explode and I feel so tired too. I have been using an inhaler, I put 1 tsp of menthol & eucalyptus into boiling water and inhale the fumes, but I know this isn't enough so when the doctors surgery opens on Tuesday I need to get a nasal spray. I send my sympathy to you and hope that you feel better soon.

31-05-10, 06:48
Hey Louise,

My anxiety and panic attacks started earlier this year and the symptoms that I get the most of are exactly the same as yours. A lot of it is actually caused by muscle tension int he shoulders, neck and jaw which radiates stiffness, tension and pain to the head and face. So you may actually be suffering from a lot of tension headaches and mini-migraines and just general tension in your muscles. I had two whole months where I felt there was a huge pressure in my head/behind my face and I had stiffness and stuff, and I was feeling numbness and tingling in my face as well as headaches. It's all gone now though because my anxiety is getting much better :) I promise you it will get better. The less you focus on it the better it will get :)