View Full Version : Eye problem - worried

29-05-10, 11:07
Yesterday I had a spell where the peripheral vision in my right eye was distorted, sort of fractured. Now I have had a small bleed on the white of my eyeball. Just wondered if anyone had experienced anything like this?

29-05-10, 11:51
The visual phenomenon was most likely due to something called fortification spectrum, which is quite common in persons with migraine syndrome. If they appear in the absence of a subsequent headache pattern, then they are known as an ocular migraine. Stress is a common factor.

Many patients describe the visual aura as fractured glass, typically multi-colored and originally appearing as a small c-shaped pattern that grows in intensity and size over a period anywhere from a minute to about 20 minutes in some cases before finally moving beyond the outer visual field.

If the visual disturbance you experienced is different from what I am describing or you experience other symptoms with any recurrence, then it's always a good idea to speak with your primary care doctor.

The small hemhorrage in the sclera portion of your eye is simply due to a small blood vessel that has ruptured and is quite common. It can occur as a consequence of straining or lifting, sometimes even occurring as a result of a bout of extreme coughing.

Again, if other symptoms appear or you notice additional changes in vision then simply notify your doctor. Otherwise, it's likely a limited event and will self-resolve.

You'll be okay.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

29-05-10, 23:52
Thanks RLR, that's very helpful. Your description of the vision problem seems to fit, although I've never suffered from migraines. It's a relief to hear the two things are unrelated. I'll wait and see if the vision thing happens again but I'm much reassured.