View Full Version : Going back to work

29-05-10, 12:36
I had a post on this a little bit ago - but the time to go back to work is just a few days away and I am really feeling the panicky feeling about it. I do take a .5 mg of Ativan when I get up and a .5 at noon. That will hopefully take the edge off of it. And for the first two weeks back at work I have some flexibility with days/hours. There are times I just can't see how I can make it work because I am so nervous and my job is very demanding and stressful. Then sometimes I think, like my counselor does, that going back will get me back into my routine again. I am used to being very busy and being off from work the last 2 and a half months has been difficult. I am just really scared, as I am sure lots of people are about going back to work, about all the what if's? What if I have a panic attack, what if I have bad palpitations, what are people thinking after I have been gone for 2 and a half months, etc.

29-05-10, 13:07
jo you will be brilliant, you need to see it as a challenge getting your old self back and getting back to where you enjoy.... you have to give it a shot. if you give it a good go and it's awful then that is something different... but i am sure you are going to be great. you can take those two weeks to settle back in properly and you will still have the coping mechanisms that you have at home. think of all that distraction to keep your mind off your panic. i am only working mornings at the moment but i enjoy it as i hardly think of panicking all morning. i was worried to go back after 3 weeks off but it gives us a sense of normality in our little anxious lives!!! good luck hun youll be great xxx

29-05-10, 17:15
Thank you for your support.
I decided to go in this morning and just check my office out - go through some emails and print off some things that I needed. Ran into a couple of staff - most of the managers, being a Saturday, are not there. I did stay for a couple of hours. One of my staff came in and started talking about some of the problems going on - I listened, but I did get a little stress. By the end of the two hours, my hands were shaking. I know my counselor is more interested in doing things - challenging the anxiety - and he is not so much concerned about how hard it is. He feels the more you challenge things, yes, your anxiety will increase, but as time goes by, the anxiety will get better. And he feels that is how you work through it - by challenging it. The more you challenge, the faster the anxiety will get better.

29-05-10, 17:28
Hi there
I'm sure you will be fine, the best thing is to just keep busy, don't give yourself time to dwell on your anxiety/panic. I was only off for a couple of weeks but had to go back because I was worried about being off too long and then finding it difficult to go back. I was really nervous about it but the first few weeks I went in later and finished early to avoid the rush hours. My colleagues are brilliant and really understanding and were there to help me if they could see I was not doing too well. It is a struggle at first but each day it gets better and better. I'm lucky in that I work for two brilliant bosses and the colleagues who do know what I'm suffering with are so understanding. I have some days where I think I can't do it but I make myself and will travel in with a friend but they are very few and far between now. Your counsellor is right, challenge yourself and yes sometimes the anxiety does increase but it does get better I promise you.

I wish you all the best.

Jannie x x

29-05-10, 17:29

29-05-10, 17:40
Hi Jo,

I can totally emphasise with you as I was in the same place as you at the beginning of March. I had been off since October last year and had tried on 2 occasions to go back (last year) and couldnt.

You are ready to go back I can tell, and when I went back in March I too was ready. I felt terriable the week before but I knew it was the hurdle of going back. Like you I went in before hand cleared emails etc and spoke to everyone and cleared the path ready. I went back on a re-hab programme did 3 hrs 1st week then 4 the next then 5 then 6, I then had a weeks hols and then returned full time and have just completed my 7th week full time. I have had some "blips" along the way but nothing you cant handle after going through what we do. Jo you will be fine, absolutely fine. It will help you in your recovery too as you will go from strength to strength.

Let me know how you get on.

Good luck hun....you will be fine.

Take care.

29-05-10, 21:44