View Full Version : phlegm?

29-05-10, 13:24
Has anyone felt like they have a lot of phlegm? I have a pain in my back and i seem to be bringing phlegm up. I havent got a cough but i seem like i need to sometimes do one cough and bring some up.There is no blood or anything. I dont want to diagnose myself with lung cancer as i already have stomach and ovarian cancer last week lol.
I am having a chest x ray on the 7th but the doctor is only doing it for reassurance as all my bloods were ok and he has listened to my chest and oxygen levels and all are ok.
Dont know if this is anxiety?

29-05-10, 15:49
Im always very phlegmy. I get post nasal drip because of my dust allergies, so always have stuff rattling around.

30-05-10, 10:29
no one else get this?

30-05-10, 11:18
Since i started with awful anxiety 9 years ago i've also had alot of phlegm.
I also get back pain when i'm anxious because i tense up.

31-05-10, 06:40
Actually I've been quite phlegmy since my anxiety started 6 months ago and my psychiatrist actually said that the body produces a mucus/phlegm during states of anxiety and panic, so it may be this that's causing it for you. I've noticed that the more anxious I am the more gooey my throat feels.