View Full Version : FED UP

29-05-10, 16:16
How the hell can i keep on living like this, suffering in silence!
No one cares how i feel inside because its not them, and i have to watch them get on with there lives happily moving along with no worries. I tried getting up and taking photos earlier and i feel so weak and shakey. And tired. When i stand up it kills my abdomen, i have so many pains and they are there and they are real.


Why isnt anyone helping me, why arent they trying to find the problem, i swear im going to be sectioned soon because im losing my mind over this i just want to know the the hell is up with me for goodness sakes! I feel like people are trying to kill me and thats why they arent doing anything about this.

:weep: No one else has to or wants feel like this so why should i have to? I have NO LIFE LEFT.

Sick and tired of feeling like CRAPall the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ERBHTJAEEFSDVBNYJDAS :weep:

29-05-10, 16:30
we understand what your going through ,a lot of friends and family dont unless you have anxiety you dont know how bad it is ,if you had a friend with a broken leg ,she would say she was in lot of pain ,,but you dont feel the pain do you ,,this is life

Going home
29-05-10, 16:41
Well I wouldn't exactly say you're suffering in silence at the mo...you're shouting!! :ohmy: :D But youve got alot of threads going here at the mo and we really are trying to help. If you really do feel that its not anxiety then you have to find someone in the medical profession to listen to you. As gypsy says, the people around you who don't know what it feels like don't understand, so you have to try and find somebody who does, that's besides us on here of course.

It is very frustrating feeling so ill day after day and then being told its anxiety and nothing more. On the other hand, if your symptoms are because of depression then that is an illness in itself and needs treating.

Anna xx