View Full Version : My diary Of coming of Citalopram

29-05-10, 19:56
I have been on 20mg citalopram since last July, so 10 months now and I want to come off it. Went to see the doctor and they told me I would go down to 10mg for a while 1st. So I started taking my 1st 10mg last night. I want to keep a diary to help other people and also maybe to gain abit of encouragement if i have a down day.

Hope you can help me.


29-05-10, 23:24
I have been on 20mg citalopram since last July, so 10 months now and I want to come off it. Went to see the doctor and they told me I would go down to 10mg for a while 1st. So I started taking my 1st 10mg last night. I want to keep a diary to help other people and also maybe to gain abit of encouragement if i have a down day.

Hope you can help me.


Hi Clarissa83,

Keep posting here let us know how you are doing, you will get the support here. Hope you dont have any down days.


30-05-10, 00:28
Definitely take it slowly, maybe even dropping down from 20mg to 15mg, and not quite so quickly to 10mg.

30-05-10, 15:38

thank you for your support. Good idea Jchild thank you. Do either of you know how quickly it takes for the side effects to kick in when coming off? I am going to the doctors and see what he says on thursday, it will prob be the wrong advice anyway.

30-05-10, 18:16
Hi Clarissa,

Well done for getting in a good place and deciding to come off the meds. Definately less is more as you reduce down. I took cit on and off for around 9 years and my own personal experience found the slightest drop the less likely to suffer withdrawal effects and they can be pretty awful believe me!!!

Good luck and keep posting!!!


30-05-10, 21:10
Hi Jo, thank you for the advice and the well wishes. I am feeling very tired today, but hoping that is just me rather than the side effects kicking already. but then it might be a good thing if i try to sleep through most of them so could be a bonus!! I hope you have succesfully come off them now.


31-05-10, 18:04
Hi Clarissa,

Yes I did come off them back in January 2009 but unfortunately for me had a huge relapse last October and crashed big time...should of noticed the signs and took action but didnt. Anyhow the citalopram didnt work for me this time round so had to come off them really quickly and start on mirtazipine, I eventually came through but have gained around half stone on this meds which I really didnt need as am already over weight but hey am o.k in mind again for now, the weight loss will come later (or I hope it will) for now am just enjoying feeling normal!!

Hope you carry on o.k.


01-06-10, 20:48
Thank you for all your help and support. I am currently doing sliiming world and lost half a pound this week. Going for 1 & a half next week. I am experiencing stomach aches, tiredness & loss of appertite at the mo (which can't be a bad thing!!) I have put weight on with the meds! I have been feeling a little low today. Going to get a bath and go to bed early i think!. bring on tomorrow. the girls at work are being really supportive.

Hope you are all doing well.


01-06-10, 21:16
Hi, your diary idea is really good i should have done that, my docs have taken me from 20mg of cipralex down to 5mg in 5 weeks and omg the side effcts have been horrendous! so take it very slowly although i think 20mg cipralex is alot bigger dose than your 20mg in citalopram, however when i came off it slowly a few years ago i had minimal side effects but that was reducing over 2 months, just thought i'd let you know. keep smiling and keep us posted :O) xx

ps i only joined this a few weeks ago and everyone is so supportive on here... thanks everyone x

02-06-10, 22:31
Hi Tinky,

I saw some other people do it so thought i would. People have been really supportive. I am pleased I have come across this site!!
I hope the side effects didn't stop you wanting to come off it and stay off. Thank you for your kind words.

The only side effects I have at the mo is moments of lowness & tirdeness. Some headaches. Worst so far is stomach craps that have been continuos. So quite uncomfortable at work. Overall i feel quite positive though!! Been on half dose since friday now so will see what the doctor has to say tomorrow!! Again thanks for your support, think i have been lucky with the side effects soo far. they haven't been as bad as when i went on them!!

Good luck everyone.xx

03-06-10, 21:30
I have been feeling a little low this evening, but the stomach ache I have had all week has finely gone. I fell asleep this evening, up for an hour and going back to bed!!:weep: what a sad life i lead. lol!! doctor is pleased with what i am doing he wants me to stay on 10mg for a month then see how i am doing.

15-07-10, 22:16
Hi Everyone, I am not taking Citalopram now. Come off it slowly. I have had a down day today. I just want to cry all the time!! maybe going to bed and having a good cry will get it out of my system and tomorrow will feel better. fingers crossed. I hope everyone else is going well.xx

26-07-10, 13:59
Hi Clarissa

Hope you are better now and fully off the tablets? :D

I am in the process of coming off at the moment with good and bad days still.

01-09-10, 20:51
Hi Steveo,

I am back on cit now! wish i wasn't but hey if it helps why not!!!

I hope you are doing ok and coming off them alright. Thank you for your message