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29-05-10, 21:13
I'm on 20mg citalopram once a day and i'm almost 4 weeks in.
I've noticed the leaflet says "DO NOT drink alcohol", I'm not a drinker but do enjoy a glass of wine every now and then, has anyone tried drinking whilst on these meds?
And why is it a DO NOT? Is it dangerous?

29-05-10, 21:37

glad you asked this question, im 4 weeks on citalopram too, and although im an only occasional drinker, i would also like to know the answer to this one.

hope someone can help us with informatin on this.

P x

29-05-10, 22:28
Im on 20mg citalopram too, have been for 5 months almost now. Last week i had my first glass of wine, it made my anxiety/physical symptoms shoot through the roof, and i had a huge panic attack. I hadnt had one for ages. I will not touch alcohol again whilst im on these, as i dont think it mixes well. However, its not dangerous no, it cant kill you if thats what u mean, they just dont advise it. If u feel u realllllly want a glass, then just have one, and see how u go? Or just buy some alcohol-free wines like i do now, they taste pretty much the same and it doesnt feel like ur missing out either. Take care whatever ur decision :) x

30-05-10, 01:11
Hey, basically i asked my psychiatrist who prescribed them to me, what would happen if i were to get absolutely wasted whilst on 20mg citalopram- i haven't had a drink for 11 weeks (and don't want to either) and have been on citalopram 21 days. he basically said, like crazyhayz said, that it's not at all dangerous, ie doesn't cause a chemical reaction, but it massively enhances your anxiety levels and causes a horrible hangover, but a few drinks should be fine, so a couple of glasses of wine would be fine- although apparently not for crazyhayz! so i really think it depends on the person. when i'm feeling a bit better, hopefully sometime in July i'm going to have a glass of wine and take it from there as i'm a first year at uni and don't want my panic disorder to steal away any more of my social life than it already has!!

30-05-10, 01:19
I have been taking citalopram since March 09 and I have been on 40mg for quite a while.
I can have the odd glass of red wine at the same time as eating a meal, and I dont get any effects, however, I have had the worst hangovers ever, when I have had several glasses - hangovers that have lasted 3 days where I felt really unwell! This never happened before I was on medication.
I noticed too that the anxiety back then, would increase a lot for a few days after I had been drinking and I would get very panicky with a racing heart.
Hope this is of some help.

30-05-10, 01:33
In my experience I drank a couple of glasses of wine once and it sent my anxiety through the roof! Thought I was having a heart attack my heart was jumping out my chest, I was sweating, sick and dizzy! Not at all worth it! Haven't drank since that was nearly 2 years ago! Just be cautious, drink with a meal and alternate with plenty of water! Will no doubt effect diff people differently! X

30-05-10, 06:08
It seems alcohol affect us differently on this medication. I had been on it 3 days and went to the pub and had a couple of glasses. Lets just say apart from having the worst hangover ever, I had to change my underwear and jeans when I got home as it reactd with the drug and went straight through me :weep:

30-05-10, 15:35
I drank a bit too much after being on them for about 9 days and it did make me go a bit mental! lol..I was more hyper and had a lot of restless energy..I felt great! perhaps a little too great as I was rambling and not making much sense..In contrast, a few beers later I ended up getting really upset and teary!! It scared me a bit because I really did feel as if I had no control over my emotions/mind...I didnt drink again for a while and when I did I was really drowsy off about two beers...Now, a month in, I feel as if I can drink without it having much of an effect!

Id say at first take it easy.

30-05-10, 15:58
It can make your anxiety worse while drinking alcohol with citalopram. Also the alcohol works much quicker than if you weren't on meds. Say you get tipsy after 2 drinks, you'll probably be drunk after the one

30-05-10, 16:28
I had a drink after being on them for about 1 month and I had the worst anxiety/panic and I felt so very ill. I haven't really touched alcohol now for about 8 months, very, very occasionally I will have a very small glass of wine but nothing more than that. I'm too frightened that I will feel bad again so I'd sooner go without the alcohol. Miss the red wine or a brandy with coffee but can live without it so hey ho :-)

Jannie x x

31-05-10, 18:13
hi, i can drink about 4 beers and be fine the next day, anymore and im ill.

31-05-10, 18:32
Hey there, they put me on Citalopram before I went to uni, so yes I did drink and quite a lot as I remember. I guess it would effect people differently I dont find alcohol effects my meds or anx to be honest.
The only thing I need to be careful of if I drink too much is not doing it when I am depressed as it has led me to self harm when I was younger but Im more grown up now so I know my limits!

31-05-10, 20:15
I have had wine whilst being on Citalopram and not noticed any bad effects at all and no hangover.:)

31-05-10, 20:40
Thanks for the replies everyone, I'm thinking maybe starting with a glass of wine see how I feel, then more if I feel ok. xx

01-06-10, 10:03
I am on 20mg Citalapram and have been fed up not going out and socializing with mates for 2 months or so, so, against my Drs wishes, I have been drinking whilst taking the cits for 4 weeks. I am doing about 7-8 pints of cider or Guinness and yes, in the morning you do feel a little hung over however I woke this weekend and was fine so I suppose I am getting use to it. If you go on the NHS web site it states that Cits does not react with alcohol.

fretty freda
05-06-10, 01:57
ive been on cipralex a few years and for 6 months i went out every saturday and got wasted and i mean wasted to the point i couldnt walk i could have been raped and i wouldnt have known i just drank untill the pubs through us out and most weekend i would be the only one of my friends left out i would just stay out with whoever would have me this was very distructive behaviour and trust me on the hangovers ohmy god i would be in bed for two days solid after then anxious and panickky and on a downer untill the next saturday then i would do it all again this is not good the alcohol makes hangovers terrible u maze well take a pill to make you have panic attacks and depression if your going to drink more than a few on these meds i dont want anyone else to suffer in this way ..... these days thankfully ive given up this destructive behaviour i rink 1 or 2 cans of beer at the most and that will do me be carefull peops xx

13-08-14, 18:15
I have never posted on one of these before but just thought I'd add my experiences. I have been on 10mg of citalopram for 6 weeks and didn't know about not drinking, I have been drinking normally, usually around a half a bottle (and a recent holiday that was every night) and I've been absolutely fine, no change.

13-08-14, 18:16
I never had difficulties drinking on an SSRI. Just don't be surprised if maybe you are more anxious for a day after because it is a depressant.

13-08-14, 18:20
I am on 40mg of citalporam a day,if you drink whilst taking this med it will reduce its effects and will not work properly.

If you have to be detoxed in Hospital like i had to be they will not even consider putting you on any anti depressant until you are drink free.

Having said that a small glass here and there may be ok,i have had to give up forever though,and feel very much better for it.:)

13-08-14, 18:26
As I've posted repeatedly on this forum, drinking and anxiety don't mix. No ifs, ands or buts.

Positive thoughts