View Full Version : Signed off work with stress - can i still go on holiday?

Heavens To Betsy
29-05-10, 22:59
I have a holiday booked, but I am signed off work with stress. Can I still go? My work will know that I have gone. Will I get in trouble for doing this?

Thanks :)

29-05-10, 23:26

I thought the ruling was that it was only a problem if say you were off with a bad back but then was caught doing something strenuous or having a bad leg and going on a skiing holiday.

Everyone knows that stress means that people need to go away from those stressful events so I would think that is okay, it is down to your doctor really if he felt that you were well enough for work then he/she wouldn't have signed you off sick.

I would say that it would be okay but it may be worth checking with work first x

jaded jean
30-05-10, 07:34
I dont think it matters,was it booked before you were signed off?? No one can predict when this anxiety/stress will cut us down.Class it as part of your recovery, look after you.:hugs:

30-05-10, 07:51
I am sure you can go on holiday. We have a clause in our staff handbook at work that says if we are taken sick on holiday we can't then come back and say can I have my holiday days back. If your holiday was already booked I see no reason why you can't still go, especially as you suffer with stress, I am sure that it will be so good for you. Have a lovely relaxing holiday :-)

Jannie x x

sarah jayne
30-05-10, 10:15
Im sure you can go on holiday. Maybe its a holday that you need to help you feel better ! Hope you have a great time.
Sarah x

30-05-10, 20:32
Hi, I totally agree, you booked the holiday before you were then signed off so I would say you will be fine. I work for a large company and if you are on holiday whilst off sick you then get the holiday back. I think that the circumstances of why you are off in the 1st place plays a large part too as taking a holiday will (hopefully) help the recovery process.

Enjoy!!!:) Jo.xx

Heavens To Betsy
05-06-10, 18:40
Thanks all for replying :)

pussy cat
06-06-10, 22:51
i would check with your employers before you go if i were you to prevent any problems later - there is a big difference in having a holiday booked,then being taken sick & not being able to go on your holiday - to having a holiday booked,being taken sick & still going on the holiday - they could say that if your not fit for work how come your fit enough to go away.don,t mean to put a downer on it but i would definatly check with them as you say they will know you have gone - it,s an employers market nowadays - good luck :shades:

08-06-10, 22:29
Yes, yes yes!!! Being off work does not mean you are under house arrest. It only means you are not able to be at work at that time for whatever reason, stress, depression, broken foot, ... whatever. You are entitled to still have your holiday. Go, enjoy and don't worry about it.

08-06-10, 22:52
Having a doctor's certificate for being off work means that you need a break from work, it doesn't mean you stop doing everything! Your holiday will probably be of huge benefit to you and may be just what you need before you start back work again. If your doctor has included your holiday dates in the sick line then you should definitely get these back on return to work - and take them!! It's YOUR entitlement and you have to think about YOU!! Have a lovely holiday.
Myra x