View Full Version : Constant Lightheadedness...

29-05-10, 23:37
Since Thursday I've been constantly feeling dizzy/Lightheaded. I don't remember being anxious at the time when it started, but regardless it's been here now ever since. I keep thinking it has something to do with my heart even though I've had a full cardio work up with good results. Is it possible to have this dizziness/lightheaded feeling because of anxiety even though I haven't been feeling anxious? I've suffered from panic attacks but haven't had one in months. When I stand still I feel off balance, even lying down I still feel a bit odd. Any ideas?

30-05-10, 13:54
I get this all the time , the only way i can describe it is like im on a boat on choppy seas all the time i had all sort done my ears tested ECG and everything but nothin came back so doc's putting it down to the anxiety, I hope it gets better for you soon xx

30-05-10, 14:20
Hi Ella Jayne, I could have written your post myself, I have been feeling very unco-ordinated for the last week with fuzzy/dizzy head and my feet feel as if I am drunk, so much so that I haven't wanted to go outside, also I have pressure in my head that feels like sinus, so perhaps you too have got some form of sinus or hayfever which is making you that way. I doubt it is your heart as you have recently been tested. There is a lot of pollen about and I heard from one doctor that an awful lot of people are suffering this year that normally don't. I do hope you feel better soon.:hugs:

jaded jean
30-05-10, 14:27
:winks:Hi EllaJayne.
It would not be unusual for it to be connected to anxiety. I had that still get it sometimes . Have had Labyrithitis for which I was given stemetil for this, it is an anti nausea.dizziness drug and it really works well.

30-05-10, 15:13
Thanks for the replies everyone! Really appreciate it :)

I feel a bit better today, not as off balance but still have a lightheaded feeling. I think it is just anxiety, I'll see how i goes over the next few days if it gets worse I'll go see my doctor.

Thanks again everyone.

30-05-10, 15:39
I had this for about 4 months! It got really bad at one point and it wouldnt matter if I was still or moving about Id ALWAYS feel lightheaded/off. I still get very transient periods of feeling this way..Almost zaps or jolts of lightheadedness...Its a mixture of things according to my doc...She thinks its the GERD (which I wasnt aware could cause lightheadedness), the ME and its obv exacerbated by the anxiety and how much I dwell on these sensations.

After being on citalopram for a month I find that while I still feel these odd sensations im much more able to let my mind shift focus and I dwell/worry abt them much less than I used to or would If I wasnt on the tablets.

30-05-10, 22:28
oh me too me too. I hate it. I had to leave a store on the weekend because every time I stood still to look at something I would sway and get really really dizzy. I wasn't overly anxious. I friggin hate this stupid anxiety stuff.
Does dizziness have to do with blood flow?