View Full Version : Leg pain - blood clot?

30-05-10, 08:38
I have pain in the spot behind my left knee, overnight it's radiated down my left leg and into my foot, so I now have a sharp, stabbing pain in my heel. There's no obvious bruising or swelling, and the original patch of soreness feels tender to the touch, the skin feels sore as though I *should* be able to see redness or something, but there's nothing there. I'm... concerned. I'm on the pill as a means to sort out my cycle which has been messed up by a contaceptive implant, so I have two types of hormonal contraceptive in my system. I'm concerned that this could lead to increased likelihood of developing a blood clot. I'm also concerned that the propranolol I'm taking is slowing down the blood flow to my extremities and increasing the likelihood of a blood clot. I'm dreaming up things that probably aren't even medically possible, but I'm not going to start googling to check. I live with a med student, so the temptation is to go and ask him but 1) he already thinks I'm crazy and 2) I'm scared he'll say I'm dying. I can't even see my doctor this week because I'm too busy trying not to fail my degree.

Ugh, I so thought this was over and dealt with. I blame a week and a half of three hour exams.

30-05-10, 11:25
If i were you i'd just ask the med student that you live with. It will put your mind at rest, either that or call nhs.
It's not as if you are being a hypochondriac because you have ligitimage reasons to be concerne as you are on medication and have a contraceptive inplant.
There has been a few news stories recently about blood clots/dvt and they've all said the people had swelling.

31-05-10, 16:31
Well, I didn't mention it, but it's completely gone. The trouble is, that after the fact it is extremely difficult for me to tell what was a 'real' pain, and what existed purely within my own head. I have no idea whether I actually experienced pain, or I just thought I did. Arrrrggh.